That’s what I was afraid of. Did you do anything else like metformin?

Next steps

Started at a fertility doctor and have done tons of tests. Glucose bloodwork, saline ultrasound, hsg, now on prenatal, ovasitol and metformin. Took a round of progesterone because I don’t get a period. They said they saw a polyp and need to get it removed - talking to the doctor in 2 weeks about that. Has anyone gone through the same? Any success? Did you do other fertility drugs after?

Totally agree. I took 800mg of ibuprofen an hour before and the only uncomfortable feeling was when the dye went in. It was very very crampy. The nurse gave me a stress ball and distracted me talking. It was over in about a minute. The cramps was the worst of it but I was expecting way worse. It’s basically a Pap smear with cramping

I was extremely nervous after reading Reddit posts. I did my saline and hsg last week and felt no pain except some weird feeling not pain when they put the speculum in. I didn’t even feel the catheter I don’t think? During the hsg it was very very crampy but didn’t hurt. I had a stress ball and the nurse was talking to me so I didn’t pay attention. It was over in a few minutes. I’m so sorry you had a bad experience, that’s awful.

Wow thanks so much for sharing. I was getting worried and wondering if the getting the polyp removed is completely necessary and seems like most people do get them removed. So glad it all worked out for you and hoping for the same!

This is so helpful and I’m sorry I’m just finding it now! I’m staring all this now and was told I need a hysteroscopy. I’m pretty nervous so glad to see what you said. How was the procedure? Do you mind me asking if it all worked out?

Mine came about 5 days after taking the last pill and it was the worst period I’ve ever had. I haven’t gotten a period since I got off birth control a couple years ago but it was very crampy and very very heavy.

How was the polyp removal?


Had my saline sonogram yesterday and the doctor said there was a polyp. I asked if it was bad and he said it could hinder implantation. He didn’t say anything else but of course I googled. Anyone else have a polyp? Did you get it removed? Can you still get pregnant with one or does it definitely need to be removed for success?

Same boat, 34 and diagnosed with pcos. Started with fertility doc and had saline ultrasound today which found a polyp. That crushed me. It’s one thing after the other and I just want to get pregnant. Has anyone else gone through that? Did you get polyps removed?

I actually do like some of the clothes and they’re cute but she doesn’t realize that these don’t look good on 90% of people unless they are a tiny skinny person like her. Also why are they so expensive? Who is paying these prices ?

Literally exact same timeline as you except I just started all the testing with my fertility doctor. I am now having a period from progesterone and have a saline sonogram this week. Hoping for a good outcome for you! Any other info you have would be so helpful!

Starting to go to fertility doctor

Just turned 34 and was diagnosed with pcos earlier this year. My ob suggested I go to a fertility doctor who is now doing all kinds of tests. I got off birth control in September 2022 and never got my period back, just spotting. I did gain probably 50 pounds since but have lost 30 recently. Still no period. Fertility doctor put me on progesterone and just got a period that’s so painful. Ttc with husband and scared about next steps. Has anyone been through this? Having a few ultrasounds next week and definitely don’t ovulate as I’ve tracked for a few months. Looking for any similar stories or advice!

Right like she’s a large bc she’s tall! Not curvy! What about someone Liz’s height that has curves?

Heather DubrowLemonStripes

How did lemon and heather Dubrow get so tight? Heather just posted the cookbook on her stories 🙄

Did anyone see that Heather Dubrow made a post about lemon stripes cookbook? How did they even become friends? So confused

She’s completely unrelatable now. I loved being able to see her as a “bigger” influencer. She looks great and good for her but she also shoves it in everyone’s face too. Always talking about now she’s a smaller size and lost weight. Annoying

Coco wyse got engaged she posted yesterday. Seems quick but good for her. Her ex husband seemed like a jerk. I thought she had a bf she was traveling for and then she said they broke up and then she got with this guy.

She just posted she’s engaged!

She’s wearing it in her most recent reels I think …

I noticed that! Is she not going to say anything? Seems to have moved super fast and it was definitely an engagement ring

That sounds cool, what’s the company?

I so want to know what happened with Ashley. She had done a q and a and someone asked and Liz said Ashley left the company but they wish her the best or something like that. I have a feeling there was a big fallout