No luck. Watching it right now on the blu ray player and still only 2.0 stereo, not even the subwoofer.

I have the Criterion set and cannot—no matter what settings I fiddle with on my tv, receiver, the disc itself or ps5—get it to play anything but 2.0 stereo. Have to try again on my new 4K player and see how that goes. Only disc I've ever had any problem playing on PS5.

I wish they'd get rid of the generic moveset characters altogether and just let the preview wrestler be the person whose moveset you’re actually working on.

This Logan Green, I like him. There’s a pretty cool FMV game on PSN called Telling Lies that he’s one of the main character in.

So I guess the latest patch somehow made online even worse? Discussion

While I haven’t played the game, or really had any urge to, since the latest patch and dlc dropped, I’m seeing a lot of talk about how it’s made an already just about broken mode in online even worse.

While I'm not really surprised by that at all, I was surprised to find WWEgames dev Cornell Gunter on Twitter earlier tonight tweeting about how he was live playing some matches online. I rarely even use Twitter, but I logged in tonight and saw that a friend on there, who suffers all the same problems everyone else with issues online always brings up, had tweeted at him about it so I decided to chime in as well.

While I admit that my initial tweet at Cornell was a little on the rude side and probably sounded like I was blaming him personally, I really didn’t mean it that way and tried to make sure the rest of my tweets at him were respectful and civil. I tried to detail some of the online problems and was pretty much dismissively shrugged off.

I really don’t know what to do. I only have like 3 followers on Twitter but want to do everything I can to help get these issues noticed by the devs or anyone who can help get them fixed. The problems with online go back way further than just the latest patch, because many, myself included, have had nonstop problems with 2K's servers since day one of 2K23s launch last year. All the same problems continue to linger in this game and I don’t want to see myself or anyone else doing this same dance with 2K25 trying to get the servers fixed.

Fun fact: My grandfather has a speaking role in the Towering Inferno. Remember the scene where they have the cage on wires trying to carry a woman from a window to the roof of a neighboring building? My grandpa is the guy on the roof in a white hat waving a red flashlight saying to send the cage over. He was a fireman in LA up until retiring due to heart problems in the 80s. He had to join SAG to be in the film for that scene and got a check in the mail for like 80 bucks anytime the movie was on tv up until a little while after he died in the 2010s.

Wish I could post pictures here, because sitting right across from me is a cool lamp from the set he got to keep. Love that lamp, use it everyday. Looks cool af with the hue bulb I have in it. 

Okay, that’s what I was figuring, just something like Microsoft word or whatever the Apple equivalent is. I'd be down to do that, too. Don’t really need anything fancy like the bar code scanning or value estimator some of the apps have, since it’s not like I have any intentions on selling my movies and whatnot, not unless I’m in some real dire straights.

Probably a dumb question, but what do you mean by a writers document?

Is it truly free, or do they charge you at some point? I've seen folks claim that they only let you catalog like 50 movies then they charge you.

Good app for cataloguing your collection? Question

I sit here, surrounded by boxes and shelves of movies and Would like to start cataloguing them. Any good free or close to it apps where you can maybe even access your collection offline? preferably nothing that required a subscription—hate subscription models.

Works fine with no skipping so far for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So did you get this on Barnes and Nobles site or at an actual store? The B&E near me or rid of their movie section some time ago.

Some seller on eBay. There’s also a site called ecrater dot com that sells bootlegs of the new seasons, as well as the new movie.

Pretty nice. Just got this myself a couple weeks ago and thought I done good at 23. 

Was 26 the half off price or was it only 13 dollarydoos?

Went back and got it. So far, so good. Need to get some AAA batteries so I can try to reprogram my old Sony tv's remote, but it was pretty easy to program the C3's remote to control the player. Seems to work flawlessly… so far.


Oh, so the x700 DOES have dolbyvision then? Cool. Getting ready to go back over there and snag that thing and give it a try.

I wish. We had a great place called Movie Stop near here, big place with a huge selection, but they went out of business like 5 years ago or so and the place is some kind of medical supply store or something now.

I go back and forth on whether I like this album or Goo more. I mean, Mote, man… love that song. Got both on my living room wall, though.

Sony X700 player for 10 bucks at thrift store: yay or nay?Question

Feels like a yay, but it doesn’t come with a remote, so I don’t know. Also, not sure now to go about testing it at the store before buying it, since goodwill certainly doesn't have any 4K tvs for sale, and hardly ever even put 1080 blu rays out, let alone any 4Ks they may or may not get. Goodwill does typically let you return electronics within a certain timeframe if they don’t work (update: they do not; I had been told this by one employee recently, but that is apparently not the case) , but how would you even test this thing without a remote? It doesn’t have any kind of buttons on the unit itself, other than the power and eject buttons, not that I could see anyway. Maybe The remote for my 1080 Sony tv I rarely use in my bedroom might be programmable and I could use it?

Worth trying?

Update: Went back and got it. So far, so good. Need to get some AAA batteries so I can try to reprogram my old Sony tv's remote, but it was pretty easy to program the C3's remote to control the player. Seems to work flawlessly… so far.

Any recommendations on a good program for ripping blu rays and UHD disc?