I live in the strip district by the Allegheny and I’ve had one or two jump on me every night for the past week. Just this size.

Most places might seem sunny compared to the PNW. but Pittsburgh has over 200 days a year of 100% cloud coverage. It is very depressing and even when there are clouds it’s never really blue. I’ve been back here for three years after living in other cities and I’m ready to leave as soon as possible.

This is a great summary I only exception is that I wouldn’t say that Iris is working under cover for the police. She decided to go back to Constantine on her own and the police rather Ian, want to take advantage of her position

The view of downtown Pittsburgh from all directions is beautiful. But get out into the neighborhoods and they’re not so beautiful. Much is run down now due to the loss of manufacturing jobs.

I agree about easy to get out of the city, but Pittsburgh is nearly 300 miles away from the East Coast region, Pittsburgh is Midwest, though just barely

Born and raised in Pittsburgh, moved back here after 30 year career living in the west. There’s a lot of great things about Pittsburgh but still there is a lot of Stockholm syndrome. People that live here and never let any place else, and I think it’s the greatest place in the world. I’ve seen this in other cities. it is a Rust Belt city that’s rebuilding and there’s a lot of new high-tech here but the rundown areas are in pretty bad shape. Still the number one reason why I’m looking to move again is the weather

Born and raised in the Midwest, but for 30 year career lived in the south east in the far west. Moved back to the Midwest a few years ago, now I’m looking to get out. For the reasons you mentioned. I can’t stand gray skies month after month after month and the winners of so long in the summers are so short

It’s something how Smithfield has this happening, I live only a mile from downtown and I have to go there regularly for different things. And I try to avoid walking down Smithfield Street because I always feel outnumbered if you know what I mean

Yes, for sure. I was married back in the day and had a stepdaughter who was in her young 20s and her father was very abusive to her, not physically but mentally. And by the time I met her, she was on her second husband on her way to her third and every husband she choose was like her father, and it was like she was trying to get his approval through her husbands

Oh yes, I’m from this area, but after graduating college in the early 80s, I left for the southeast because of lack of work here, and I’ve been away for decades except for occasionally coming back to visit family but yes it’s really turned around here in the past 10 years, especially

I was surprised also when she went back to Milo, and then went back to Konstantin. However I think it’s believable as women who’ve been through what she’s been through starting from her childhood don’t always do the most logical things. In this case, I think she went to Konstatine because he tells her what she wants to hear. Where as Mike tells her what she needs to hear, but doesn’t want to hear

It really does, including the top-notch universities, research institutions, places to ride your bike, progressive, friendly, still I’m looking at leaving as I’ve already mentioned because of the weather

Pittsburgh. Checks off all items on your list. But you might want a car, or some parts of the city where you can get by without one, for example, where I live, but I still own a car. By the way, I’m thinking of moving to Philly. Born and raised here in Pittsburgh, though went to college in Philadelphia worked, moved back to Pittsburgh for many of the items that you mention on your list. however the skies are as cloudy here as it is in the PNW, over 200 days a year of 100% cloud cover and after three years here I’m ready to move and yes Philadelphia looks like a very attractive location for me even with the hot summers

I agree with most of this except I lived in SF and never thought of it as being cold at all. Though people visiting from SoCal considered it cold.

Both at the same time? That would be a challenge. But for either, check out meetup.com or the app, lots of hiking groups

I think it makes for a better story when he feeds the bear grease (and fries?). Before this, he made a point that he was afraid of bears, it is really a big step in his direction to feed it, and even a bigger step to sit out on the porch and watch it.

I would be so happy to rent a place for the kind of prices I’m seeing here. However, it’s a challenge finding a place is good for me. I don’t want to live in the suburbs because as a single person I feel isolated, and the rentals in Pittsburgh usually are multiple stories and I can’t do the steps. So that leaves me with apartment complexes, which were either built in the 1960s or are these so-called luxury units that cost an arm and a leg rent. I’m at my wits end. (owning is not an option)

I am in the strip district in a so-called luxury building with all the amenities and I am renting at over $3000 a month. I know it’s insane. I will be moving again in a few months. I just had to get the Frick out of Oakmont and this was all I could find. in Oakmont, I was paying $2000 a month for a one bedroom 600 square-foot, did have in unit laundry and that included a mandatory $150 a month cable fee, even though I don’t watch cable TV.

Well, you can do anything with numbers to make them work in your favor politicians and police have been doing that for eons. But I’m responding to actually spending a fair amount of time in downtown Pittsburgh and it has changed since Covid, and not in a good way.

I see you’ve got down photo, but I agree with you I’m not deep research into all major cities, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, San Diego, Pittsburgh, and so forth going back to 2019 in the situation and downtowns of the cities has worsened since Covid. I I am saying this is someone who considers themselves and urbanist, I presently live in the strip district.

I don’t think the homeless are the problem, rather, it’s “thugs“

If you’re saying, you can’t base crime trends, on two instances alone, I agree. But I’ve lived in several large cities, including Detroit, but when I moved back home to Pittsburgh, the first time I went downtown, back in 2021, it just wasn’t right. I was looking to move in the downtown and yet I felt like I was in the minority when I was on the street, uncomfortably so. And I’m someone who’s worked with the homeless directly when I lived out west, before moving back here