I do, I like a song and get desperate to learn the words so I can sing it loud in my car like the rockstar that I am.

Just tell myself to slow down, you’re doing too much, not prioritising yourself and you’ll probably crash very soon…

Probably Ed Sheeran. I don’t hate his guts or anything but I think he’s just boring.

My friend Suzy and her family - showed me what a true family was without abuse and trauma.

I and you - never we. And never really thought about it until now. Hmmmm.

My absolute best friend was cheating on her husband and using me as an excuse as to where she was when she wasn’t home. It was friendship ending.

My mother is afraid of loose buttons.

Buttons on a shirt - fine. Loose buttons - hysteria.

I wear mine a few nights in a row easily. In saying that there’s nothing like fresh jammies in fresh clean sheets!

It’s like I thought of my answer but it was already here lol. All of the above for me.


In Australia ‘having/getting a root’ is getting laid. Poor Jenny Roots at school, got asked daily “do ya Jenny?”

Rejection-sensitive dysphoriaQuestions/Advice

Just read this for the very first time in a book I’m reading and it zapped my brain into the depths! Being told I’m too sensitive has been lifelong thing, not being able to ask for what I want and need (especially from Drs) because of the INSANE fear of rejection for that specific need. The writer describes it as “the rush of heat and that fuzzy feeling in the front of your face, your eyes going blurry as the embarrassment sets in” - it’s from ‘the year I met my brain’ by Matilda Boseley

I always just thought it was trauma related and maybe it is, maybe it’s a mix of both. Does anyone have any articles or experiences they’d care to share?

Whatever floats your boat. It’s definitely not for me though…

Absolutely, this is the right answer. Always speak her name and remember her. We light a candle for my nephew born still at 39 weeks every year and send a photo of it to my brother and SIL and they truly appreciate and love that we do this.

My condolences to you and your friend xx

Honey Dew melon is my favourite but I always seem to get under-ripe ones

Paparazzi for sure.

I’m a photographer and couldn’t imagine doing that job!