i can't eat there anymore. my body literally gets sick from the toxicity from the processed food additives or something they did differently. i use to eat there a lot and out of nowhere im allergic to it

Now linkedIn, indeed and other job networks will do something similar by talking to bumble ai and find you jobs that match your energy or personality color

what was up with the clown themes on tv back then? we were part of some type of clown psyop guys?

kind of a side note but i wonder which ai book will actually turn out to be the best out of them all

they system has to be adjusted to improve the lives of everyone. the current path forward is gonna lead to incredible instability at some point

even tho i can't afford transportation to get to work right now i'll go with true love because living life misunderstood is not fun

i know there's a ton of other stuff i'm just pointing out one in particular that is causing narrowing of the arteries

yeah, whatever mcdonald's did to their food started to make me physically sick. and the fact that they use industrial rapeseed basically gear motor oil and their potatoes are reported to contain some nasty pesticides in high amounts. a lot of their faithful customers probably got too sick to eat there and either died or decided to make healthier options

this is me, i can't even get someone to help me fix my bike so i can get to work. i have to always rely on myself

and i can't even afford to get my bike fixed so i can get to work

i still think they both got killed because they upset the wrong people

we should fix the problem by just skipping the toast

his game is more about money than looks, he plays people based on social structures already in place. i was never a fan of him. he seemed kinda mlm fake tbh

its already too late to ban tiktok. the damage is already done, they should leave it alone

hopefully the judge was not biased because of her looks, i feel like she should have gotten a harsher punishment like had to pay for his facial injuries