Def not wrong. I'm not sure if an apology would even let me allow her back in my home. Home should be your families safe space. It's not safe with her there.

Just order one. Drive to the next town or build an out door oven. Anything but something "smart/expensive/easy to brake/waste of chips".

No wonder we have a chip shortage still. They are adding them to watches and washer dryers oven fridges cars. Things that should not have them. 

But this is the age of data gathering. And they make billions off your data you pay then to gather from you.

Let's see how many city folk see this comment. Let's see how many down votes I can get. This is like golf right? lowest score wins?

Me and my kids pee where ever we want and often go out side to do so. It's natural. 

We have done it for thousands of years and always will. 

It's good for the plants.

She said daughter did not. All he did was pee out side. 100% fine. OP said daughter didn't see as FIL was facing away from the house.

Hide like a real man? That's not how real men do it sweet heart. Relax.

You will never understand. But it's good for the yard and one of the things you just need to accept in life. Some countries men can pee anywhere in public outdoors and it's socially acceptable. 

Wrong. Very wrong I say. 

Noting wrong with peeing outside. He literally grew up there and has been doing that for 60+ years and now you want him to stop for no logical reason? Just cause I don't like it? It's good for the yard. It saves money and water and saves time. It's not hurting anyone. Much of the world it's even ok to pee like that in public and he is on a farm where animals pee all over the place. 

If you have a problem with someone peeing out side away from the house on a farm then move to a city and problem solved.

Wait why does your oven need to know the you have an open home with no roof? Why is your oven updating? So many questions. 

I always laughed at people talking about spending a small fortune for silly oven and fridge that are "smart". And that was before I had ammunition like this as to why those are horrible ideas.

I would take it to the dump and get a new one.

Sure if you want to share with 3000 other people. Check out Navarre then. Also have beach houses to rent and less people.

That's amazing. Like to see the home made tortilla. We are all wishing we were at your house to get some.

On the internet it's more like if you have something nice to say someone will find something mean to reply to it.

Maybe they want to pass you. You can still pass in the person infront of you or they can pass you.

Make sure you tell him you are doing that.

I only use my fire box as it's big enough to cook in for direct heat and easier to clean.

Came home one day my wife was having a Filipino get together and one of her friends husband's had started a whole bag of briquettes in the main chamber no knowing he could use the fire box since I keep the grate underneath the smoker. He was bbqing pork skewers. But had never used a smoker like mine, mine is a reverse flow 1100sq in smoker.

Never said anything that night but after cleaning it up the best i could the next day I told her no one is allowed to use the smoker without talking to me first. Left it at that.

You are not wrong as in making a big deal out of nothing. Thats a big deal he cheated after lying to you. It will never work out i promise. 

You are wrong for having two boy friends at the same time and assuming he was going to stay true to you. You broke his trust as soon as he found out you wanted to give another guy a chance.

He reached out to an ex and didn't want to spend new years eve alone and probably assumed you were with someone else. Then he spiraled out of control and back into his old ways.

You are both a mess and should not be in committed relationships until you are a little older. Learn what you like don't like, find a guy that will treat you well. No need to get serious unless you are thinking of getting married.

Wow. Wonder what would of happened if you did what they said and just wanted. Call the police at 1am and tell them you got locked in the doctor's office after doing what you were told to do. lol