I would definitely say do them together if you’re more or less “okay” with it. Having them 10 years apart is… interesting 😂

I have not yet confirmed. We do need to grade this area from the house a bit so maybe I should just leave it and sheet mulch over it… but boy does that just bug the shit out of me to know it would be there 😂

Thank you for your service! For real! We’re out here just trying to leave it better than we found huh

Omg what a tragedy!!! Someone told me to go about sheet mulching cardboard and compost and move on and something about that just irritates my slight OCD so bad - esp since I want to plant perennials

Most efficient way to remove landscape fabric and those red lava rocks?

Our home has an 18x20’ square of bare ground I would like to plant in… or so I thought. After raking it, it appears that there is at least 4-5” of layers of those cheap looking red lava rocks and LANDSCAPE FABRIC 🤬 that of course just tears to bits. We also need to grade the ground away from the house some. What is your experience with attempting to make this less laborsome than it needs to be. Any advice?

Tons of feathers but it’s not molting season is it?

We cleaned out the coop and there are a ton of feathers around. My girls have stopped laying as well. Yesterday we cleaned everything out, got the fan going for the heat, are being more disciplined about letting them out at sunrise. They have free access to food, water, oyster, grit. It appears 2 of our girls are broody… I’m trying to find why they aren’t laying and why I’m finding so many feathers everywhere. They are only 15 mos old… we went from a dozen (12 chickens) eggs a day to none to literally just one yesterday. What’s happening? Help a newbie! 🫶🏽

“Go to the core and find an Otis elevator”

I work in surgery and we have many kinds of elevator tools. Otis elevator is the literal elevator in the hospital.. like the one to move up and down between floors 😂

I don’t believe they did that because I can see the linoleum under the floor at least in the kitchen anyway. The boards don’t bend when you walk on them in the “shaft” if you will. Only in the spots where two boards are butted against each other

The only spot that is very obvious is next to the wall they just didn’t put enough boards to go far enough under the wall to then put baseboards properly. This spot used to have an electric baseboard so it was not actually finished. Essentially, they put in a 2x12 as a “baseboard” and the floor doesn’t meet the wall all the way. Therefore I can see the old linoleum there. I assume that it’s probably all still under there at least for the kitchen

I don’t know how to do that. I’ll have to figure it out. I mean when you step on an area, it sinks just slightly. It’s not real wood, it’s some kind of nicer fake wood looking floor with white spongey type material under it.

Regarding “not touching” I mean if you lined up panels in a straight line but the short ends of two panels are not meeting up. There is a small gap, maybe 1/16-1/8” separation in places.

Oh God do I even want to know what that is? Or should I take some ashwaganda before googling?

Should I be worried?Heath Question

We have the deep litter method in our coop. Today we shoveled out all the bedding so we could clean it and put new bedding. I didn’t think to wear masks until halfway through the job and we don’t have any. Will buy to have next time for sure!! Our coop is about 10x10ft part of the barn.

Should I be worried about my son and I? Thoughts and advice appreciated since were newbies. Paranoid, party of one.