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Hi Reddit, I am JT from Hawthorne Heights. I basically eat/sleep/dream all things EMO.ama - verified

Let's face it, 20 Years is a long time...but you only feel OLD, because you act OLD. Is For Lovers Festival and 20 Years of Tears are specifically designed to turn back the clock, and reconnect you with your friends and the music that helped shape who you are. hawthorneheights.com/tour isforloversfestival.com EMO just hits different as an adult, and your ticket is a first class seat in our time machine. Ask me anything about Hawthorne Heights, EMO, Is For Lovers Festival!


Do you have a song that you listened to when you were a kid, that’s still one of your favourite songs of all time?discussion

Basically as the question states. More specifically, I’d say “What’s one song you listened to when you were between the ages of 0–13, that is still one of your favourite songs of all time?”

Mine would be “Dance Forever” by Allstar Weekend. It came out when I was 8 or 9, and it’s still in my favourite 25 songs of all time list.

What are your’s?

Duran Durandiscussion

When I was little, my metal/classic rock sister and her friends pretty much determined for me what was cool. They at least had one hand on the wheel.

My other sister had influence too, but most of the shit I liked of* hers, I was closeted about-- because 1980's small town metal heads were the equivalent of any super intense fanbase these days and then some. Brutal.

One of sister #2's favs was Duran Duran.

As I get older, the clearer it becomes that these dudes were bad as fuck. I mean, great song writing, dancibility, stone cold riffs, vocals, and I'll be damned if Rio doesn't have one of the sickest basslines OAT. Plus View to a Kill is an all-time great Bond song.

When legions of beautiful young women are Beatles'esque crazy about a band-- that band often gets a lotta hate due to envy alone. That's the case with Duran Duran I think.

TLDR: Duran Duran is a blast.

No more Diddy, Sean Combsdiscussion

Let’s all agree to call him Sean Combs. Here’s my presentation 1. It’s his name 2. He’s been running from it his entire life, he don’t like it. 3. All his nicknames have a “cutsie” vibe and this shit is not cute 4. All his pop-culture social credit needs to be stripped. This person deserves one name in the footnotes of history? No thank you. That’s it. Sean Combs. Who’s with me?

Best Female lead bandsdiscussion

There is a rise in bands with female lead vocalists in rock and metal. That is to say it's not the first time, we have punk and rock Queens from the 70's and 80's. But the current rise has really been good for new music. I enjoy hearing a girl belt out or growl like their male counterparts do, do you feel the same? I'm not a fan of guys that say they're good for a female, they are good period. Give me some of your best thoughts on this, whether you like this rise or not.

Edit: I didn't realize my post would get this much attention. I am super happy it did because it, one gives me more music to experience. And two it let's me know I'm not in a small minority that loves bands that are fronted by females. To everyone that responded I thank you for the new music.

What Rock / Punk albums have the best choruses of all time? discussion

Hi everyone,

I'm starting this thread because ever since I was little (I'm almost 30 now), I've been a big fan of rock and punk music. My dad introduced me to this genre, and it's been a passion of mine ever since.

I began by listening to bands like Nirvana, Green Day, and Oasis during my teenage years. Later on, I expanded my horizons to include classic rock and punk bands like The Beatles, David Bowie, Sex Pistols, Ramones, and Deep Purple. I also appreciate many of the best-known songs in rock history from artists like AC/DC, The Clash, Queen, Rolling Stones, The Who.
However, there are some albums that are SUPER PRAISED by the critics and the rock community, but which I really seem to Not enjoy.

For instance, while I love a lot of Beatles songs (Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is one of my favorite albums), I find little of interest in the White Album despite its critical acclaim (with a few exceptions). Too many songs without a strong hook that makes me wanna sing it.
Recently, I revisited The Clash's London Calling after many years, and although I recognize its musical significance, it feels like something is missing for me.

I've noticed that I have a strong preference for songs with powerful and impactful choruses.
For example, I LOVE songs with dazzling choruses that stick in my head.
In contrast, I seem to NOT enjoy songs that are more static less (for example, I understand the importance of the "banana album" by The Velvet Underground, but I find it too repetitive to appreciate musically).

To give you an idea, these are some of the albums I love the most and I think have the best choruses

  • Nirvana: Nevermind
  • David Bowie: The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust
  • The Beatles: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
  • Oasis: (What's the Story) Morning Glory?
  • Ramones: Ramones
  • Green Day: Dookie
  • The Strokes: Is this It
  • Elyon John: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
  • Radiohead: The Bends
  • John Lennon - Plastic Ono Band

What are some albums that you think have the best hooks of all time? :)

Thanks in advance to those who reply!

Back On 74 discussion

Yo, I'm a 19 year old who lives in South Africa and yesterday I heard the song back on 74 by Jungle for the first time. I'm always on social media platforms but I don't know how I never heard that song before but anyway I heard it from Instagram reels around 1 am in the morning and it instantly triggered a nostalgic feeling and I weirdly began to remember things from way back that are memories I don't often think back upon but one thing stood out to me and thought I should share it I know this isn't a lecture group and it might sound corny, but as I thought back to those memories most of it were times when we were struggling as a family with finances or whatnot (lived in a rough neighborhood) But there were mostly good memories that were made in tough times. among them are memories of my friends or family just doing things together and then I realized that all phases that you are in will one day be the good old days so let me cut the nonsense short. Listen to music and enjoy every part of your life because it will one day be the good old days.

Ps: excuse the bad punctuation and Grammer English isn't my first language

Most influential records?discussion

Listening to "Doolittle" by The Pixies and still absolutely blown away by the overall quality 35 years later, but also by how insanely impactful it was in the rock world, a massively influential record at least somewhat responsible for alternative rock, indie rock, grunge, and, to extent, even "nu metal" in the decade to follow.

Which of course makes me wonder about other extraordinarily influential records that changed the sound of an era of a music.

I feel like these kinds of sea change records are relatively rare.

Gimme some good songs with "Hate" in the title.discussion

Here's what I've got in my collection. Got any Hate songs I don't know?

tacocat - i hate the weekend

the killjoys - today i hate everyone

bad mannequins - i hate you

the delgados - all you need is hate

cracker - i hate my generation

bare jr - i hate myself

the hives - hate to say i told you so

metallica - wasting my hate

relient k - i so hate consequences

relient k - i hate christmas parties

the beths - future me hates me

taylor swift - i hate it here

kate nash - i hate seagulls

fatboy slim - drop the hate