Yes this is the real problem. They said it's presumed for official acts and that you can't use communications that might be covered by official acts to dig into it. Basically they knee capped any efforts to actually prosecuting things that might not be covered.

Depending on how you define 'pay to access' that's not 100% true. There are some museums that have no entrance fee and have theaters in them playing something educational. There is the cost whatever entity running the museum pays, but you could feasibly bang in a theater that is not pay-to-access.

Look Izzy would give live birth on camera. So I feel like Sam probably had to hide the shooting schedule so she wouldn't show up to a game changers to really add a twist.

A YouTuber I follow put together a face tank video of the final boss, basically immortal during it. So yeah, some people are much better than me at figuring these things out.

The lidar systems also make use of bouncing lidar off of things to see around obstructions. A common one is bouncing it off the ground under the vehicle in front of you to see what's in front of it. It's really cool science and makes it so the system can see more than what you can see as a human.

I went through the same thing first time I heard it. One of those stories where you're like "It's either BS or there's more to it like the guy had ultra aids and his pee would kill millions" but nope.

There was a story in Oregon a few years ago about a teen being caught peeing into a reservoir. So they drained the entire reservoir because of public outcry, while ignoring that wildlife pisses and craps in that water constantly. Also dies it it. Humans do not process risk properly.

She was pregnant. In an episode of Very Important People, she's visibly pregnant. She has since given birth, but if you follow BLeeM and Izzy, while they've said they will do anything they have made it very clear that their little one won't be exposed to social media or other public things like this until they are old enough to make those decisions themselves. Which I think is great.

He's not wrong and it's because of people like him.  Studies show people are generally more supportive of paying for social services and safety nets in homogenous communities.  They view the government as acting on their behalf and trust it more to implement socially positive policies.  So basically racists get triggered by other people so they cut off their nose to spite their face.

So if there were in fact more black people in Iceland the quiet bigots have a higher chance of acting against their best interest.

Easiest way to think of it is, if a player has no valid moves but the king is in check, that is checkmate.  If a player has no valid moves but the king is not in check, that is stalemate.

Very specifically, the king can only move one space and only to a square that is not capturable by an opponents piece.

The outcomes of chess are win, lose, or draw so a player at disadvantage can out smart an opponent into a draw just as much as one can outsmart to checkmate.  Since the point of chess is strategic thinking this adds more layers to it.

This feels like it would be the subject of a walking discussion between CJ and Josh in West Wing. One of those things that seems absurd and obvious but gets fumbled and requires someone to step up and fix it.

Just get an oxygen tank and a cannula. Good to go

There is a No Surprises Act now that is suppose to help with this. It's meant to help when you have no control of your care such as when you go to an in network location, but somehow out of network care is included in your overall care. I'm sure there are loopholes, but it should help people with this especially at ERs.

The synchronization in this video really elevates it. You basically have to work on two skills, not just the one to pull this off. Also find two other people with those same skills.

The US has an array in the ocean that functions similar to seismographs. Based on the time of the sound signal across different positions they can triangulate the location of the sound. However, most of the details are classified so they don't really make the information available. The information was likely there to pinpoint that the sound event was where the Titan should have been.

It's funny because I thought he simultaneously looked old and like a teenager. Like a teenager with a receding hair line.

Guess it depends on the canon, but DLSR cameras only have a mirror for the eye piece so you can see what the camera sees.  It sits behind the lens and intercepts the light, directing it to your eye.  When the picture is taken the mirror pops up out of the way allowing the light to then hit the CMOS sensor.

Newer mirrorless cameras let the light always hit the sensor, but tech got better so the eye piece is now a miniscreen that the image is constantly sent to.

So if our eyes can detect them, a CMOS sensor probably can unless silver is involved.

Yeah, I have fought off throwing up because of it. I once blacked out (while sober) after throwing up because it's so violent I can't breath until I'm done. So now I'm extra careful to make sure I'm over the toilet in a way that I shouldn't black out into it or fall and smack my head.

One of the version of fusion currently being developed actually is along this idea. They chose the fusion ingredients that release charged particles. They use a magnetic field to push the fuel together, then the reaction pushes back on the field and they take a little energy from that then use the rest to do the next cycle. They've actually developed working reactors just not enough energy production on the current version.

My MIL is a hoarder, so my wife has also swung the opposite direction. I've had to reign her in a bit after she tried to throw away the cord box.

That was my problem. So I built a shed for all the tools so I could park the cars in the garage. Then I had a kid and now the garage is full of toys and stuff. I need another shed.

The founding fathers were very wary of tactics used by the Crown back in good Ol' England. One of those tactics was to basically imprison undesirables and prevent them from holding an elected position as a result of the conviction. So the scope of acts that can disqualify you from being elected is very narrow.

This is also why Trump has been able to game the system so well, it was setup to protect the accused from government overreach. Those protections are great for someone who has no shame.

And this is a major factor people ignore. They think the only response to a nuke is another nuke. The US military capabilities at this point allow us to annihilate targets just as effectively without nukes.

I'd argue a strategic mass response to a nuke is more of a show of force than to respond with a nuke. You're basically showing that the enemy only has one tool while you haven't needed to break out the big guns to neutralize them.