I loved seeing ID in theatres, I lost my shit when Cumberbatch said that he's Khan

then I came on this subreddit and everyone said we're supposed to hate it, so I guess I hate it now

RFK the vaccine-denier with a worm in his brain?

If he did it, I'll give him credit where credit is due

but I'm half of a microbiologist, y'know, I can't support a guy who says vaccines are bullshit

I hate not knowing whether I'm sick or if it's just the weed giving me mucous and headaches and nausea

it's impossible for me to know which symptoms are part of some virus that going around and which symptoms are part of the chronic weed use

hey just because he couldn't stay sober doesn't mean the writing is bad

OJ ain't any worse of a running back, right?

you really turned it all the way down at the bottom there? it wouldn't be soggy down there if there was sufficient air flow

what is your container made out of? it doesn't look like the water is draining out of it, that's why it's all sludge at the bottom

Well, in another universe, you and your sister went to the festival and decided to drink and maybe do some drugs but then you passed out somewhere and EMS got called and you shat yourself with liquid-y diarrhea because of all the alcohol and drugs

there are certain drugs you can put in your husband's food that will make all his hair fall out, so he won't need haircuts

of course everyone here is saying they bring their own bags

I live in NJ, and they banned the single-use plastic bags

you're asking the wrong subreddit, yo, fishing is a very niche activity, you got to ask a fishing-specific subreddit like r/NJfishing or r/saltwaterfishing or something like r/fishing or maybe r/fishingforbeginners

the actual scientists definitely forgot that oysters are BIVALVES which are related to GASTROPODS and CEPHALOPODS

I think we're beginning to solve the problem right here on reddit

this is like asking the liquor store guy what alcohol to buy if you're an alcoholic

maybe he'll point you to the NA beer, but maybe the best solution is to get dafuq out of that god-forsaken place

you either real out there or you ain't, fella

do what you feel

but be prepared to finish what you start

I'm sure some people will say that they just always vote Republican no-matter-what for reasons like guns and Christianity / anti-abortion

you don't drink milk or water out of a plastic bottle?

I ain't happy with it either, but that's the world we live in