I used the XADV as well, and the parking brake of an NT

I will put it on my Insta account poldis.motorradabenteuer

I'm loving it so far! Had to move the parking brake as well, but it all turned out great.

I completely removed the lever and moved it to main brake cylinder on my left handlebar (DCT version)

Calculation of days abroad/in UK for citizenship application

When calculating the time I have been in the UK / spent abroad, to verify I have been in the UK 9 of the last 12 months, can I count the travel days as being in the UK? Or in other words; do only full days count as being in the UK, or any part of a day (or maybe 12h minimum or something else)?

Account deleted - can it be brought back?Question

I wanted to delete a sub-account I created but never used. It asked for the email associated with the account, so I changed it beforehand to another email than my whole main account is registered to, to make sure it was only connected to this sub account. But when I entered this changed email the whole account with another email was deleted.

Besides this is very poorly programmed/formatted on Notions end - will there be any possibility to bring my account back?

Looks like you're keeping her in her natural habitat - good

Just do it, this stuff is really affordable these days, and looking at it will take you back there

My AT doesn't have a clutch

Also you can move the rear brake from the foot to the left handlebar which is dope

With the tiptronic on the left side of the handlebar you can still switch gears manually - I will never get a bike without DCT now that I have experienced its superiority. Especially on trails I find it super comfy as I can concentrate on the track with no need to worry about the right gear (especially when riding standing on pegs)

You should get some in the long run - lower distribution of weight is better

sent you a chat request to show you a screenshot

so what kind of element exactly do you suggest to add? HTML or custom element (code snippet)? or isn't there a difference for the editor?

it just shows an empty rectangle in the editor. i tried preview and live. site is premium.


What kind of element do I need to add? I tried "embed code->HTML" and "embed code->custom element" without success

Where to add a <script> for a registration bar?


I am trying to add a script for a floating registration bar from EverWebinar to my WIX site, but it doesn't display.

I tried adding it as code in the sites header and body, as well as in the HTML code but it doesn't display. What am I doing wrong?

<script src="https://event.webinarjam.com/register/p9no2im/embed-bar?buttonText=Melde%20dich%20jetzt%20an!&buttonBgColor=%23FFC82B&buttonBgOpacity=1&barBgColor=%230B567B&barBgOpacity=1&formTemplate=2&formColor=2"></script>
smartest to supply my project with my own pictures organized in a folder structure i want to keepHelp

I have a bunch of pictures I want to use in my project, which are sorted into a structure of about 20 folders on google drive. what would be the smartest way to make those pics available in my Canva projects, while maintaining the sorting using the existing folder structure?

Voice recording via USB mic with GB creates little stutters

My gf is using GarageBand for recording her podcast with a USB mic. When she visitied me she used my USB mic for a session, but when she got back home and reconnected her own USB mic there would be a stutter in the recordings about every 10 seconds. She didn't change any settings in GB or on her macbook. We tried all USB ports, turning off the 24bit rate in GBs settings, as well as tuning every knob and slider in the recording window, but no success.

Please help

Thanks for the detailed reply. Sadly we've only just met this year, but marriage plans are already there.

GF has settled status and is applying for citizenship - I want to follow and work. where to start?EU

My GF is living in the UK for about 4 years and has settle status. She is about to do the citizenship test in the next months. We both have a German passport. She runs her own UK registered business (ltd.) for online coachings and would like to hire me for some technical work, while I still would like to continue my my work as a stage rigger as a side gig, which I have been doing self employed in Germany for the last 20 years. We are not married yet, but plan to. What would be the wisest/easiest way for me to get a work permit in the UK? Thanks

I worked in that tower years ago and someone dropped their radio on the top floor - hit every floor but no car dude was extremely lucky