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Bug on changing my booking time

Hello, when I want to change the time of my reservation, the site bugs and instead of changing the time it changes the date and always places my reservation for Sunday.

For example :

I want to put my monday 10 am reservation to monday 11am (the same day), instead wix put it on sunday 11am , and it's IMPOSSIBLE to put it back on monday.

Please help, thank you :)

Edit : If I do a weekly repeat, the site glitches and puts all the 7 reservations on Sunday .

Edit 2 : Tried on different PC and browser , it doesnt work. But work on the phone.


After reading other peoples posts this isn't an intermittent problem and should be rectified ASAP considering this is something we pay for and affects peoples businesses being detrimental on us processing orders and subsequently effecting customer satisfaction, resulting in negative reviews!!!

As couldn't log into chat, the only way I could by past this was logging in to an old account!!

Still waiting even after Jaro assured and assigned me as HIGH PRORITY at 21:30 last night (Knew I was a sucker believing him) and then me ringing them at 5:30 this morning to be told by Jenny that she understands my frustration but unfortunately she can see the problem that Jaro did highlight my issue as High Priority but assigned it to the wrong department!!! She can't help me, but will definitely make sure it goes to the right department as high priority now...

Oh right Jenny, that's completely explained why I haven't heard sweet F*** all back for hours and as you've explained it sooooooo lovely, I'll just collect another ticket. WTF mother bloody hell?! Yeah me imagining queuing at a stall and going back to the end of line.......I'm paying for a premium service she now realises is a joke!!!

Ask for technical support, not available, ask for a manager, get the same!!! Hope you have a lovely day...

I'm at the point them that I literally want to throw my laptop out the window!. The customer service help is like defining i want help with "Purple" and speaking to someone that only understands "Orange" as a basic premise! ! Only then they slightly understanding they are a colour; and would never EVER be close on the fucking spectrum to understanding red or the sun!

FFS you are meant to be a website builder and incorporate themes/ease of use to alleviate the stress/finance of seeking professional help to do it yourself! I've never experienced anything like it!!!!!

From connecting my domain from IONOS, to the simplest thing of adding my store to my horizontal page menu has been nothing but a nightmare. Incompetent "Help Experts" couldn't even add my store as a menu! Saying they couldn't do it?! WTF is the point of having a ecommerce website then?!?

Over 8 yrs ago I built websites for myself/own brand using Wordpress and added a theme via Forest Theme no problem and customised it easily. Yrs on needed nothing brand centered, wanted a easy to edit website, user friendly and fast to go online. Checked reviews and boy was I suckered in!!


Keyboard commands Cmd+C/V/D stopped working on Wix

The title. My browser is Safari and I can't copy, paste or duplicate elements on Wix, I can only use cut (Cmd+X) and go back (Cmd+Z)

Unremovable spam countdown bar on top of my website?!

Noticed this bar on my Wix Studio website the other day. It does NOT show up in the editor and no widgets or apps have been installed on the account. I did a Google Search for "Big Restock & New Items" Wix which only found other Wix sites with the same countdown. So odd!

Weirdly, clicking it does nothing and it links only back to the page itself. Any tips on how to fix this?


Are only bots visiting my site?

I launched my site a few weeks ago. I don't get many visits per day (around 30). My marketing is not my strength but I'm learning. Every session I view on the analytics report shows that every visitor just accessed my site's homepage. Am I thinking too much into it or is that a common thing? I have other pages of my site eg. about us, blog, store, custom pages, but they don't get any hits.

Unable to get changes on Wix bookings to carry over to mobile

Hello all,

I'm working on our website www.dalbodreesthetics.com and I'm trying to fix the mobile site.

I'm trying to have it so that when a service is clicked on it brings you to the page for that particular service - this works on desktop but not on mobile. On mobile it will bring you right to the booking calendar. I need to show more information about our services so that people know what to book.

Any help would be awesome.

Do I have to relearn web design and development?

Hey everyone, posting here because r/WixStudio doesn't have a lot of members yet.

I'm a veteran web developer (not so much designer) who has mostly worked in PHP + MySQL who is finally looking at Wix as a way to build simpler sites faster for clients, but in trying to figure it out I feel like I have to forget 90% of what I've always used and relearn it the Wix way.

Curious if anyone else feels that way when learning Editor X or Wix Studio Editor?

Like, why can I just easily make something a global footer without having to add and remove sections to the global asset library and then remove from the page? </rant>

In need of a computer!

Hello! I am trying to get a new cheap computer to help me continue editing my wix website until I complete a contracted job and can buy a new nicer laptop. I was hoping I could edit on my tablet but that is not possible.

What is the cheapest / least powerful computer I can get that to allow me to continue editing my wix site?

URGENT I need this site to open at 110% zoom on laptop and 150% zoom on desktop

Before anything, you're talking to someone who knows absolutely nothing about code (and someone who has taken MULTIPLE code classes and it just goes right over their head). Everything I've tried I got from AI.

I was assigned to make a website by my boss (I have no clue how). I've made websites before on wix but they weren't any good. I JUST finished this stupid site. Just sent it to everyone, and it's opening wonky on everyone's different screens. Text going behind boxes, getting stretched out, yada yada.

I can't afford to remake this, I don't have enough time, I don't even know how. Thats not an option. I literally just need to force the screen to open 110% zoom on laptop and 150% zoom on desktop. I've tried adding every type of code Chat GPT could come up with. I've tried with HTML boxes, I've tried everything.

If anyone could please help me I'd literally owe you my life. I've spent so many hours on this it's becoming unbearable, I don't know what I'm doing.
edit: UGH and I just found out it looks different on MAC too. I'm at my wits end on this is there any way to make it fixed no matter the screen???

Gradient in Forms and Buttons

Hey guys! Has anyone figured out how to add gradients to wix forms or buttons? I have a great design but it seems like it's not translating

Wix Studio user here: How to auto add a member to a private page when he's purchased a digital product?Wix Stores

I run a Wix Studio store that sells digital products (like e-books). However, I do not want them to download the e-book (as that allows them to pirate or redistribute the ebook). Instead, I want them to be able to click on the digital download link and it'll auto-add them to a private members-only page, where they can then access the ebook that's hosted there.

I tried doing a subscription (because that allows me to auto-add subscribed members to a unique members-only page), but the ebook is one-off payment, so I don't want to force a subscription billing cycle on the buyer.

Any ideas? Can Wix IDE auto-configure the digital download link in such a way? Anyone tried it?

Read only availability calendar

So I'm looking for plugin recommendations because everything I can currently find provides too much functionality. I'm trying to build an 'view availability' page that just lets site visitors see a calendar that is colour-coded for "free days" and "not free days." Ideally, the calendar plug in would look at an outlook calendar, and if there are any events in Outlook for a given day, the website calendar would grey out that day.

So, kind of like how a booking page calendar works, only I very specifically do not want anyone to be able to make a booking an add to the calendar. I just want them to see whether a day is free or not, and for it to automatically live update as I use my outlook calendars. It's also important that the calendar blocks out entire days and doesn't show the literal calendar events that are in Outlook.

Has anyone come accross something like this? The closest I could find was the simple booking tool for wordpress, but I don't think that auto-syncs with Outlook and has to be managed separately. Also it's built for wordpress not wix so...

Technical design ideaWix Stores

I would like to create a feature that would allow a user to switch the design of a 3D object within a page that can be spun around by the user and change colour/ design without the object physically changing just the design. like a Call of duty skin of a weapon, or any skin. has anyone achieved such a feat and are there tutorials out the to get this done ?

how do i get a refund for a subscription renewal payment ?

When I check on Google it tells me to cancel the subscription within 14 days but from what I understand, that only applies to a first time payment, in my case it a subscription renewal. So is there another way to get the refund or is it the same?

Confused about booking vs cart vs payments vs service fees

I am building my website to offer services and I thought I had specialized the booking page for payment but I guess that's the cart page. But now there's two places to put in information and only one takes payment? I'm trying to streamline this as much as possible. The main goal is to fill in booking information then offer the choice of paying through E-transfer or cash in person or using the wix payment (which I hear sucks).

The second thing is when do people get charged? Is there a way to let them book and order but not let them pay until closer to the time of service to avoid them cancelling and refunding more often thus avoiding the large amount of service fees? And anyway to add service/GST fees to the cart separately? (I saw where they said no to "extras" but they don't say what that definition is)

And if you would like to judge my work, here is the feedback link. My goal is easy and accessible as possible and find a less obtrusive but not bright beige so I am accepting any HEX code suggestions. I've just stared at it too long and tried to watch to many videos I'm tapped out. I'm also very tired of arguing prices with everyone I meet so just for context I am the only person in my area willing to offer scaled pay services so if you scoff at the $50 don't go looking around because you might have an aneurysm at the $200+ the rest charge.


Thank you and please help!

How to change email name when customer orders?

Hi, I have tested this out and when someone purchase something from my website, it says the sender is from:"mysite". is there a way to change this? I have been unsuccessful in finding via google or wix how to change this. Thank you in advance!

Why do my wix booking sessions get sent to my personal email?

Not sure if this is the reason, but I have personal calendar sync enabled...but when someone books a session the calendar invite does NOT go to my work email (that EVERYTHING is configured for in WIX) but rather goes to my personal email calendars (both google).

I need help setting up some kind of service bundle thing and bookings

Hey guys,

I'm brand spanking new to using Wix, and I'm trying to set up my online coaching business.

A little background on my idea: I'm trying to do 4 different coaching packages, all different durations and with varying amounts of sessions included. For example, I'm trying to set it up so that a client can purchase a package and then have, say, 10 sessions that they can then book, kinda like a session bank, if that makes sense? Since some sessions will need to have different time slots allowed, say that out of those 10 sessions they would get 2x 90min sessions, 4x60 minute sessions, and 4x30 minute sessions.

Is there a way to set something like that up?

Wix for the love of god stop deleting apps when I delete pages.Rant

I don't need two store pages, but I can't remove one of them without Wix trying to delete the entire store app. Same with an old form app the previous dev installed. I can't remove any of them without removing the entire app.

Wix email campaigns

I recently tried an email campaign through wix using their templates. I had over 1500 organic "subscribers " . Sent out the campaign and received a notice from wix that due to a number of spam complaints my account was temporarily deactivated. I got it squared away with wix. Looking at the contacts( which I should have done before hand- I was ignorant on this subject), several of the contacts had unsubscribed and some emails were delivered as "spam". I'm hesitate to even try this again. Any tips? I read the "rules"- what's a small number to start sending out, how often,words to avoid, etc. I don't want any more problems. And just so my post is clear- these email addresses were organic, voluntarily given by people visiting my site ,not purchased.

How to check emails sent from Wix site

I accidentally cancelled the wrong session in my Wix calendar, which I think sent an email to those booked to attend. Is there any way of checking this?

Payout to multiple accountsWix Payments

Hi everyone,

I'm currently building a catering website and they have a weird structure where on each transaction they have to pay someone else a 1% fee.

I was thinking, would it be possible to split the payout? So that one account gets 1% and the other 99%?

Can you guys think of any other way of doing this?

Thank you!
