You could also choose to drink out of a dirty stream if your access to clean water is blocked. That doesn't make access to clean water any less of a right, even if multiple professionals and all the technology is involved

You're talking to a brick wall. I delved back into the cesspool that is PCM a couple days ago and one of the posts was calling Project 2025 a left wing psyop. Half the commenters haven't even googled the thing, much less read it, and half are saying "buh buh but Trump never officially endorsed/mentioned it!!!" like his former and potentially future admin aren't the ones endorsing it.

Just vote. And don't be the dipshit that stays home because gEnOcIdE jOe, because Trump already said he's supporting Israel if he wins. It's going to be a lot easier to negotiate with the guy who attempted a cease fire than it will be to convince Trump to be slightly less enthusiatic about bombing Palestine ON TOP OF begging for rights to healthcare

Europe is only a couple election cycles away from where we are now, what with afd gaining popularity

From the looks of it, they're starting to turn far right too.

I'm not denying that vaccines have serious side effects for a non-insignificant number of people. My gripe with him is that he believes shit we DON'T have proof for and have actively DISproven. People have absolutely gotten myocarditis and blood clots after the covid vaccine, but mmr DIDN'T cause autism and spreading that kind of misinformation just leads to a lot of preventable deaths.

On a different note, sorry that happened to you. Which vaccine was it? Not trying to invalidate your experiences, asking because my family got different doses from different companies (those of us that got Pfizer seem to be doing better than the ones who got Moderna, almost all of us got covid a couple years later)

Don't have to be far-anything to know he's an antivax nutcase. I can see an older guy like him still being suspicious of the covid vaccine even though most of us who took it are safe, but spouting facebook-tier bullshit about vaccines causing autism and 5G causing cancer proves he isn't fit to lead

original comment got removed because I didn't use "np subdomain", whatever that means, just go to the dungeonmasters subreddit and add comments/1do1jsj/my_player_wants_to_be_fucking_paraplegic_hagrid/ at the end of the url

the Drow as presented don’t make sense as a functioning society

If it helps, they canonically purposefully don't, and that's why Lolth has so much control over them iirc. She's a lesser deity in 5e but that's largely to reflect the fact that while she's technically a more powerful deity, so much of her power is spent simultaneously tearing drow society down and propping it up just enough to keep tearing it apart that she either doesn't have or doesn't care to expend more of those powers on other matters

"Only" 33 if we aren't counting their "sources" cited

If Georgia can flip blue so can a lot of red states. Keep it up!

Biden would be the driver who doesn't know where he's going in this analogy, Trump is the one actively looking for a cliff. Biden is senile to the point where under normal circumstances he shouldn't be allowed to lead, so he wouldn't be a good "driver" for America, BUT Trump intends to pass a lot of anti LGBTQ policies (not even Project 2025, he says it on his own campaign site. Not just anti trans, point 9 could easily be interpreted as anti-gay), those policies being the "cliff" he'd drive LGBT Americans off of.

The former probably won't bring any meaningful change, the latter is actively creating strawmen to demonize us (along with other groups as recently as the debate)

I think it was king Henry VIII, not one of the Georges

lvl 5 Autism unlocks Fireball

This is extremely nitpicky and has no bearing on the actual gameplay but Raphael shouldn't be the son of , he should be the nepo baby of Bel. Bel is already the former Arch Duke of Avernus, AND has a weapons forge on top of that so it makes sense for him to have the It gives Ralphey a reason to be in Avernus so he can allegedly help Bel regain power and it gives since Bel is literally in charge of making weapons for the Blood War. If somebody HAS to be 's kid, let it be Mizora. Still shoehorned in but not as much as it would be for our resident one-pump wonder who has more to do with the overarching plot

LinkedIn job search doesn't have a dedicated exclude company filter. You COULD type NOT [company] in the search bar but that doesn't work for companies with more than 1 word in the name like the one shown above

And may each one be so big they're measured in cm instead of mm

Is inserting yourself not normally how porn is meant to work for everyone? Can any women confirm?

got the deluxe package during bottom surgery

cis just means not trans, same way you'd use straight/hetero to clarify not gay

I thought it was gonna be a smoker/grill and got disappointed (was too focused on device to read the text)

Parents when an internet full of porn sites "exposes" their unsupervised children to porn: