First step is always internet sleuthing - that french island connection could help narrow it down. look into the renting record/ownership record, look out for a french name. Does she do anything public in the community, where you could look at the names and photos online - like, the community council or smthn? etc. get creative. Even the deaths in the family - if any of the family is nearby, could look at obituaries posted during the right time frame.

but if that fails or isn’t clear, you want to get your neighbors names and a phone for your address book in case of an emergency i.e fire, pipes burst, pet escaped etc. Good thing to have anyways. Hopefully nothing ever happens but if it did you’d be glad to have that info - that goes both ways. But you can ask them to spell their first (and last if you want) name. If they‘re like, ”the normal spelling“ you can be like oh everyone’s names are spelled so weird these days, I always ask.

if you’re uncomfortable asking in that context, try another neighbor or the mailman as some have suggested…however i am not sure the mailman would do that.

I can and do drive, but I do everything in my power to avoid it. Because it sucks. Biking and transit are my default

I make a point of not shopping on holidays that I have off work (my job does paid holidays). however if I fucked up in some way and decide I need to go somewhere, (pharmacy, grocery store) I say something like “Thanks for being here today.” Not like “Ooooh cant believe you have to woooork today 😩” or “gosh I hope you get to go home soon 🥺“ - nah. don’t try to like assuage your personal guilt at this person, or seem like some kind of ally to their cause, lol. Just be real!! You needed (or just wanted) to shop, so if you feel the need to comment just say thank you. NORMALLY. lol. Not like “oh THANK YOU so much for being here 🥹 ✨💕 my hero” just a “hey thank you”.

random connections CAN and do work sometimes, sure.
But I think generally it’s best not to try to make romantic connections with total strangers and interrupt their day. Most of the time I am not in a headspace to have a random person approach me with romantic or sexual interest. I’m trying to get groceries, man.

there is an amount of tension that is created as a woman when someone randomly approaches you with romantic/sexual interest. There is the concern that they will flame out if you decline their number/etc. I understand there are plenty of reasonable men who will be TOTALLY NORMAL and not freak out about rejection. But the ones that do? They spoil the while bunch. Those interactions are MEMORABLE and they make you tense up any time a guy approaches you. It’s freaky to have someone belligerently try to get your number and not take no for an answer. Having that experience means the next guy who tries it, even respectfully, has no chance lol. like now I associate random solicitations with a guy getting in my personal space, boxing me into a corner, repeatedly telling me ”hey why not? It’s just a phone number! come on! What you think you‘re too good for me??”

I’d think the time to approach a woman with that interest is after getting to know them a little more in another context. Like, personally, the shooting your shot on a random woman is tiring for women. But say you and a girl are both attending a class or a club - get to know her even a little and try to evaluate if she might be interested BEFORE going for it, you know?

I think we have a very isolated society, yes. The solution is to find group activities or activities where you may run into the same people regularly, and look for people of interest in that context.

There’s nothing quite like giving a random guy your number literally just so you can ESCAPE. It sours random interactions. It’s why many women look at you like you’re dirt if you approach them at random. they’re remembering a different experience.

And if a woman takes issue with you asking her out once you know her a little better - well, she wasn’t right for you anyways.

I don’t know, but Good luck getting your dog care! and good on you for trying to improve its quality of life

Fucking spooky

Back when it was a new-ish procedure, a guy gleefully told me that his (successful and great!, 20/20) procedure involved him being awake and aware, and that he could “smell his flesh burning“ as they did the lasering of his eyes.

he was probably fucking with me, but…nope, nope, nope, NOPE

Also I am SO nearsighted (and have a light astigmatism) that it probably wouldn’t get me to 20/20, and if I still gotta wear glasses why spend the money lol

Doooon’t worry. There‘s plenty of thick thigh appreciation in the world.
I’d guess it‘s pretty 50-50 on people who prefer slender build and people who prefer thick builds. Just in general.
thick thighs are a huuuuge vibe for lots of people.

More to the point, when you’re really attracted to someone, you’re not focusing on any one part of them that much - the attraction is a little more of a full package. I may NOTICE the delicious thick thighs on someone I find attractive, but I am also pretty generally focused on…I don’t know, the faces they make, their body language, the things they say. That‘s really the root of long-lasting attraction.

Certainly if one single part of your body is enough to make someone disinterested in you physically, then they’re weren’t the right match for you to begin with. There’s people out there for you who will find your whole person attractive - at least partially because of how you act and think. No need to worry about the people that self-select out of finding you attractive; they’d have been a waste of your time!

oof, I can relate to this kid’s desire to make it HIS fault, because then maybe he can fix it

the lesson you learn as you get older is that your parents are flawed people - sometimes very flawed - and they often weren’t prepared for the duty of parenting, and it shows

I think babies are ugly in a cute way? Like when I say a baby is ugly (not in front of them or the parents lol) it’s not like “ewww ugly” it’s like “Awww he’s so ugly! Look at his squinchy little face!”

I have a pretty good sniffer and I would say it has a smell

in related news having a good sense of smell can be kind of a curse at times

Zero reason that a binder would be a problem. Trans man here - if you want to not deal with boobs sometimes, get a binder. Just make sure you size it right and follow the guidelines to wear it safely!

Idk why the safety reasons thing is working for people…if she legally changed her name to “eevee”, that is the name you’d want to give police in an emergency, no? The deadname would confuse the whole process.

yeah it would be a more uniform product if I pre-scrambled, But now an extra dish is dirty. So I just get the temp of the pan REAL low and scramble in pan. My eggs are pretty uniform.

I used to have an extendable baton. I loved that thing. I need a new one

I’d be interested in fostering a little later down the line…No idea if that can ever be in the cards for us!

Anytime I hear loud and ambiguous popping sounds in public, my partner and I are on alert, looking at each other and cocking our heads to listen. Is it fireworks? Car backfiring? It almost always is. But it’s that initial fear state. I’m getting sort of numb to it but I think I’ll always react to loud popping with immediate fight/flight reaction.

I love what you said. My only other idea would be reacting by saying only the very simple “I don’t see how a dress could ruin my wedding….?” ZERO reaction might have actually triggered even more big feelings for her 😂

Wait is this why there’s ALWAYS trash when i go get a fucking cart? People are too lazy to walk 10 steps to the can by the door? Goddamn

Boy, I think it’s regional, but sweet relish is more common in the places I’ve lived. Ridiculous. Dill relish is better

Send that one right to HR and start documenting asap. Start looking for a way to manage this employee OUT. This is unreasonable and more unreasonable behavior is coming. Anyone that throws around ‘rape’ over receiving a phone call is not going to be reasoned with. I care a lot about rape and sexual assault issues and this is just insulting to anyone that has dealt with harassment or rape.

Look at the core of your real issue here: “My MIL is pretty awful and gives me the ick”. Your brain is telling you this idea is unwise, for whatever reason. I’d follow your nose there - she isn’t passing your sniff test.

I ALSO think it would be disruptive to routines. I’d use that as your excuse if you want to turn MIL down with less confrontation

I don’t love this post

Let’s not ask people what scenario they’d have to be in to hurt and kill random strangers for their own benefit….we have enough people doing that for free in America. Seriously

I’m assuming the poster is masculine-appearing, so it’s just the old ”painted nails means GAY!!!!!?!?!?” bullshit.