Ferret nation cages. It’s safe and you can stack them side by side and on top of each other. The second one you posted is awful!

It’s the same photo. I did a side by side and there’s no difference

You guys make me want to adopt a jumping spider right now!

I’d keep them separated for a few weeks instead of a few days.

I’m guessing he’s dated someone who cheated on him with his friends.

No excuse and you should leave. Him threatening to punch you in the head is a clear sign of that

Red. Not many people can pull off red but you do

LMFAOOOOOOOOOO this is the funniest thing I’ve read in a while

The guy recording looks so done lmfaoo

You’re not annoying for asking that question which you guessed he may know. You’re not the issue

You’re being a dick right now