i never believed in getting the ick until now. i’m actually cringing thinking about this. overall, it’s not a huge deal. i’ll get over it. but onto the story.

so me (18f) and my boyfriend (19m) have been dating for almost two months now. we’ve “known” each other for four years, i put quotations around that because it was only online. we dated on and off but it was long distance. well, he moved an hour away from me six months ago and we started talking again.

i love this guy. he treats me very very good and he’s a big goofball. so, here we go. tonight we had pizza and brownies and then fell asleep shortly after. i woke up around 2am feeling like absolute dog shit, so i kinda just laid there and scrolled on reddit.

my boyfriend is sleeping throughout this entire thing, btw. so randomly he sticks his hand down his pants and right onto his ass. i don’t really care, we all get itches on our booties sometimes. but he’s down there doing SOMETHING for at least thirty seconds. i can tell he’s not scratching because i can literally see his hand down his pants.

he takes it out, does it again a few minutes later. then again. i’m giggling because it’s pretty funny. well, he takes his hand out of his pants and immediately reaches over to cuddle me… and oh my god. i got a fresh whiff of straight up booty. smelt like a week of unwashed cheeks. smelt like ten cans of bounce that ass. it was horrendous.

he has his asshole itching hand right by my face, on my upper chest. it takes every single ounce of willpower i have to not fling him off me. i move his hand down and sit there, reliving that smell i smelt. nothing like it, i swear to god. so now here i am, laying next to him, thinking about how his hand was likely on his asshole and then on my chest. i will never tell him about this and probably move on by tomorrow. but i just had to share.

EDIT: because some people seem to think my boyfriend is just a nasty vile stank ass person, he’s not. he’s super clean. i wouldn’t be with him if he wasn’t. he always smells super good, room is spotless, washes all his bedding once a week. has yet to have bad breath, even in the morning surprisingly. i told him about the issue when we woke up and he laughed and apologized, told me he forgot to shower last night as he was super tired from detailing cars all day long. i’m not a pushover, this is just a new relationship and i really like him a ton!