If you have the bales on an actual bale storage (I use the 600 capacity one) there is no lag and never any warning saying too many bales. You can put bales of any type as well as pallets. I store cotton, soy, hay and silage bales in mine and sell when price is highest. Most I’ve had are 4-500 at one time and no issues. I’m on PS5

This mod is called open air garden and it’s a real mod. No tractor needed

THANK YOU! This is perfect. I’ve been wanting to do a small garden behind my house and this is perfect.

I will look into that. Is that the name of it? It would be really cool to have strawberry fields and could do lettuce in the winter as a cover crop. Especially since I have tomatoes and other veggies in my own garden

Do you know how to plant greenhouse crops in fields on console?

Try an own the map challenge with only doing crops. No productions. It will be a grind!

Can it do tomatoes lettuce and strawberries in the fields?

There’s some auto load trailers (53 foot) hold 7 or 8 round cotton bales or 3 of the huge rectangle ones

Most of the time, the cotton gin companies own the equipment needed and the farmers literally do all the legwork and the gin will come and get it and haul it off. Leasing equipment makes sense in the beginning because of this and the costs of the special equipment

I really like farming cotton, corn and sunflowers as there is a lot of it here in NC. Most of the old timers that owned all the land have subdivided and sold off lots of it. I play like I am the next gen and want to keep the farm going so I start on hard with a small area and try to own the map running very few crops which keeps the amount of productions down. I do the spinnery and oil factory which make good profit. Corn I will usually just sell off. I messed up this current save by setting 1 day to month and sold a ton of clothes and it went to the next month and I missed my window to plant cotton so now I’m going to do all sunflowers

NHL 24, FIFA, red dead and GTA. Haven’t played anything other than fs in months though.

Love cotton lol. We have a ton of it here in NC so I like to do that. Every 40,000L load netted 725,000 and I had almost 250,000L of cotton in the spinnery. I do use the upgraded all in one spinnery. There are two big fields at the bottom (maybe 71 and another one) and another smaller one nearby but I had those and a trailer as a house and just waited till harvest and then for the prime time for clothes.

Cotton Farming Elm CreekDiscussion

Put everything I had into getting property and seeding cotton this year and was down to $416. After harvest and clothes have been made and sold I now have over 4 million. I leased all the seeders and harvesters and only used one used 7r tractor. Now it’s time to build a farm!

I just started stone valley and totally agree. The map has random elevated spots like a tree is there but it’s not. I stopped playing on it after about 5 hours

There’s a modded spinnery that takes cotton and wool and makes fabric and automatically starts making clothing with it

I’m on console so super limited but the dozer is an awesome piece to till the ground and make it dirt. There’s also construction sign mod and concrete barriers/fences. I think it’s construction decorations pack

I put a fence up to block them

ATV accessories Discussion

Are there any small plows/seeders that can be pulled behind an ATV or Gator? Looking to set some small fields inside of fences or middle of woods where a large tractor can’t reach.

Is Alma considered a 4x map? I am on console so not sure if any are that big

As a map, I really like it. As the person doing fieldwork, I really don’t.

lol I like the JD for looks. I think they are some of the best looking tractors/equipment in game. The Case performance is awesome and hearing the twin turbo spool up is great. I run 2 farms on the same map and the smaller farm used an 8R for everything