Idk where you’re at in life, but pre & perimenopause can cause memory issues.

Seriously. He needs to pony up the dough for his own ride.

Sometimes what reads better is the best choice. Just keep it consistent.

Remember kids- if the Kool Aid man busts in making a bunch-bowl shaped hole, it’s breaking the first, second, or third wall. When he directly addresses the camera or knowledge of the audience it’s breaking the FOURTH wall.

“Slam down big style” is now in my regular rotation for better or for worse

Flaming Figs - figs seasoned with brown sugar and cayenne

Careful - some witch might scoop that jaw up and sell it for a pretty penny

In honor of this post my next player character is gonna be the brick that was thrown at Stonewall.

Paul F. Tompkins has been on set at least twice now and he’s done actual play shows before. Would love to see him in the dome.

I’ve got fingers crossed for a pull-up bar/ ribbon dance combo

I had really bad brain fog and unbearable headaches.

The papas bravas at Lokma are pure heaven

Seconding BackMarket - they have good options

Yeah but you know the timing of it is gonna be for something so wacky like Shrimp Jump part 2 - this time we bring back a god again

White pastels or conte crayons

I would agree but with the fixation brain you don’t always get to set the pace. It locks on and zooms you’re just along for the ride.

When I was young and trying to pick a field, I took some beginner courses at my local community college. You can sample different fields for a decent price, and the teachers will help direct you towards goals.

Find artists whose work you like online and see if they have any social media presence talking about their process or art theory in general. Yoshi Yoshitani talks a lot about color, composition, and lighting in ways you could apply to a lot of different fields.

If you have a library card, you can access / LinkedIn learning courses for free in most places. You might have access to more e-learning depending on your area.

If you’re in the US report this to your state labor board- now

Okay but what if he also met Helio and had the exact same interaction that Kristen did in season 1? The one that left her doubting. And then immediately got a better offer.