My daughter is 26 and has a bike for her daily rider. Her wife has a van for practical purposes but they live in the sticks and both have an hour long commute to work. She rides in the rain (no snow since we live in Florida) and has all the appropriate gear. She absolutely loves it. She also gets old fucks questioning her decision almost daily. ESPECIALLY in the rain (and it rains almost daily here from June - September!) She’s a little quirky so she typically comes up with elaborate scenarios of why she is riding during the rain or doesn’t own a car. She says the look of horror on their face is worth it 🤣

As a Floridian this was absolutely my first thought 🤣

True that! My husbands truck has leather and I keep a sand cloud towel n the seat for me. Leather gives me the ick.

I live in Florida. I love my plaid seats because the leather in this climate will burn your biscuits.

YTA for letting this dickhead mess with your kid.

It was due yesterday. Just got the past due and shits about to get turned off text. I’m grateful for a little grace period I guess if FPL is like that! When I lived in Tampa we had TECO and that was a nightmare.

I really love everything about the approach you’ve taken! You let them know without there being a big blowup and drama and preserve a neighborly relationship.

Welp, this reminded me my Duke payment was past due. Fuck

My parents (in the late 70’s) took my brother and I to NASCAR races and we would sleep during the race. We went everywhere with them and could sleep through everything 🤣

Me thinks condescending dick works well too

Way back when I bought my first house at 18 my parents were pretty poor and struggled. They were still young (mom was 38 and dad was 40) I paid $120k for my house and it was a modest 1200sf 3/2 ranch. They lived in a very cramped 700sf 2/1 (where me and 3 siblings also lived - we were very creative with room spaces and thankful for a basement)

I was worried about what my parents would think. I was spending WAY more than they could have dreamed to afford (this was 1994) and I had only moved out 1 years ago prior. I will tell you they were SO HAPPY FOR ME. Elated even. To know their kid could afford this nice house and be doing so well at 18 made them giddy.

My parents went on to become successful business owners. They are closing in a 3.9 million bay front house in Tampa this month. And I am OVER THE FUCKING MOON for them as I sit in my 600k house.

Moral of the story is generally, if you have a respectful relationship with family, they will just be excited for you. No need to tell them the price. Just invite them for a nice meal or party.

$450 for a massive loft apartment in a trendy neighborhood in Metro Detroit. 1994

Current $3,500 and taxes and insurance are $1500 a month. Tampa Bay Area

I worked for my family at our small diner. Started working when I could write an order. We did not serve breakfast - it was lunch and dinner only and we opened at 11am. The number of times someone came in and SWORE we sold pancakes or biscuits and gravy or eggs Benedict or some shit was nuts. Like fella. We have one case of eggs back there to make meatloaf and for salads. Not making you eggs and toast.

I was going 90 on 275 and actively passing cars and a meat head in a Hellcat figured I was in his way (there was also 2 people hauling ass in front of me) He flashed his lights and I threw up my hands like WTF. I would have had to BRAKE to get over (there was a solid line of cars we were passing)

Some people are just dicks. Doesn’t matter what speed you go someone is more important

Then why aren’t you FSBO? Why do you even need a listing agent when people just use Zillow? You seem to have it all figured out.

St Pete is another. The rest of Florida (outside of Disney and some areas of Orlando) is seriously dangerous. My queer child and their wife live near Gainesville and I’m always concerned about their safety

The last point - seriously. (all of them hit the mark for real) My boys and husband used to piss outside until I said you know none of you gross fuckers washed your hands. I actually put hand soap out by the hose and they did use it because they knew Mama was not happy

Let’s see if the country fuck can understand. She didn’t say he COULD NOT piss outside she asked if he and his penis could go somewhere else so the 6 year old girl would be spared from seeing her Pappys dick.

I’d be dropping everything off at the agents office and tell them to deal with it

Let’s see…

After being married for 3 years (I was 36 and he was 48) he was rejecting me in the bedroom. I figured he wasn’t attracted to me and went on a massive weight loss journey (looking back I was around 160 - at 5’10 and not fat in the slightest but having someone reject you over and over makes you think crazy shit) After about 6 months I was thin and in very good shape but he still rejected me. I needed to look up a bill in his email and much to my surprise I found back and forth emails between him and a fucking ballerina from Argentina. (He is Cuban) Lots of nudes and seductive photos exchanged. I confronted him and he said I was crazy and that it wasn’t him. One of the pictures was his dick in his hand IN OUR GARAGE. Mind you he had gone on three “work trips” to Argentina and when I asked to go he said he would just be touring fields (he was a commodities trader)

When we divorced he told his mother (whom I adored…she seriously was a gem) that he didn’t know why I was filing for divorce and he was just a shocked as her.

I’ve been a cash buyer several times. I wasn’t a jerk. In 2022 I offered 60k over asking (still seems crazy to me but that was the market then and I was competing against 12 other offers)

Jerks are gonna be jerks. I don’t think being a cash buyer automatically makes you one.

Yep. My (former, I divorced her shit son but she is amazing) Cuban mother in law taught me how to make the BEST Cuban coffee. The secret is to take a few drips of the espresso and pour over the sugar and whip the fuck out of it until it’s almost creamy sugar. Then pour over the rest of the espresso while continuing to whip. I used a 2 cup glass measuring cup to do this and would make 5-6 espresso shots. It was by far better than anything I could buy.

I do miss my visits to Versailles in Miami tho…