Just hit 30 I just feel the sane as I did when I was early 20s but way less insecure, interestingly I was on exchange with uni and I heard a couple of the girls say their 21 their life is practically over, I burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of that sentence

Snuggle yourself on the couch and play ball for hours, it's the only way

Admittedly, I took a while to get him to do this too, because we do need options right, my parents dont want to take it from his mouth etc, but I use cheat words to get him to do it, like "do you want to go home?" Or "do you want to play?". Then when he tries to rebound back for it, I tell him to wait, it works about 80% of the time, and he's improving

I successfully taught my collie this, I would crouch down and put my hand out, and excitedly say what's this? While making a little motion with my fingers, then he would excitedly come and investigate with the ball in his mouth. Then I transitioned it to "return" as the command, works every time now to the point if he feels like playing, he'll get a ball and come and push it into you until you take it

I can't stand dirty glasses, but I also refused to wear them for most of my life, it was only when my friend was like it's seeing everything in HD. I was like I want that so I made myself go to the opticians after 22 years hahahaha I'm 30 now

This and in the north, we killed a lot of our biodiversity, Scotland killed all of its predators, and now we are economically responsible for keeping everything else in check (good job). Also destroyed a lot of our peatlands, which were one of the most rarest biodiverse areas. This was for planting timber, so capitalism at it again.

I think it just entirely depends on the family, at 30 if things go wrong I'm free to go home and stay as long as I need ( with the expectation of getting a job and make sure I'm jot just bumming around, but they won't charge me rent or bills and will feed me if I'm there for dinner.

Some people think charging rent will teach them to be independent which is true but I've seen some parents on here asking way too much of their kids, basically more for rent than it is actually worth in their area, some people are just greedy

I think it just entirely depends on the family, at 30 if things go wrong I'm free to go home and stay as long as I need ( with the expectation of getting a job and make sure I'm jot just bumming around, but they won't charge me rent or bills and will feed me if I'm there for dinner.

Some people think charging rent will teach them to be independent which is true but I've seen some parents on here asking way too much of their kids, basically more for rent than it is actually worth in their area, some people are just greedy

30 and I just passed 2 months ago having not driven pretty much at all since I was legally allowed to

It's the adults that are the problems with my dog, always trying to say hello without asking, kids seems to be super respectful, and when j see a kid while on leash I hold him close and behind me. I smile at people when I hear them reach kids because it means they'll grow up to not be those AH adults

If they try hard enough, everyone can have boobs too

My dad was awful at pizzas I could never understand how frozen pizzas tasted so different, now I can make pizzas I realised he was using tomato puree as the base instead of making a pizza sauce, they were not good

She's 10, I wouldn't allow her to legally change it, I had a rabbit at that age that had about 15 different names for the flavour of the day

How long ago was that? Scotland are currently trying to reduce their peat usage, duetl degradation on peat soils, I know they've stopped selling peat for horticulture use, but I assume the whisky industry is still allowed to use it

This happened to me badly in lockdowns? Solid napping time, but when I went back to work it was insanely difficult to shake off, like clockwork at 1pm I was absolutely shattered, ready to close my eyes and drift off standing up, it's like the one habit my body wanted to keepb

Tbh talking to you now, I wouldn't give you my number, you are just coming off as arrogant, you asked a question, you got a response but that isn't good enough for you that you turn snarky? Yeah, no thanks, get a little bit of humility, not everyone moves at your pace, and if she isn't already texting you after a date, then yeah, she probably feels something isn't right

I don't want unsolicited nudes everytime i give out my number, so no I would not be texting you with my phone until I'm fairly certain you aren't a creep

My collie is 2 and while he doesn't have a crate, he sleeps under my bed, he will come for a cuddle now and again, but I think he will always prefer his comfy dark spaces. Maybe when he's older he will become more of a sleep in the open but for now he's happy where he is...and my bed is less hairy so it's a win win I think

Bro, you've been together for 3 years, and you never knew she was Christian? That's a big thing to not have known about for THREE years, I would not be changing something fundamental about myself for someone who you didn't accurately know for 3 years.... that is wild. I would not accept her religion. She either loves you for who you are, or she doesn't. Why does it matter now if you are in her religion? You are 16, do not jump into something straight away just cause she asked

On the off chance this is something more serious as well I.e. actually it's a cult she's in, and trying to get you to join up (seems far fetched but I've heard it before, girl gets with guy, loves on him till he's attached, then all of a sudden they can only be together if he joins her church) definitely do some research on her particular church, got for a day with no commitment, and if you truly don't feel like it absolutely say no, it's your life and you get to choose how to live it

You should begin muzzle training Dennis immediately, that tends to give a more serious warning of you should stay away from my dog, but honestly I don't know where you are or how the laws apply but Dennis was the main aggressor here, I'm assuming when you say lily bit him that it was a play bite and she's just too young to notice dog body language. I know you said you gave the neighbors plenty of warning, but it still doesn't matter. Dennis caused serious harm to another dog.

My advice would be to yes speak to a lawyer. They were warned, but I don't know how well that would hold up in court. Muzzle train Dennis ASAP and a harness that says reactive/not friendly/aggressive so this doesn't happen again

Yeah but by a minute or so, its not super noticeable until it gets to August

I'm in Scotland and minutes to 11pm it's still light outside, long way to go before the nights draw in faster

I enjoy physical jobs, I had an office job for 8 months when I was in uni, it was part time but I done 2 weeks of full time over the summe. I was ready to claw my eyes out I asked to go back to part time, never worked an office job since, I was a chef and a surf instructor, now I'm at uni to get an outside field researcher job.

I have 3 middle names, the only thing is they all don't fit on my drivers license so the last one got cut, but it's on my passport, I also don't bother with all 3 on things like university or bank things just because its so long, never had an issue though