I'm sure mil sucks but I read this and the amount of rage I felt towards your husband is out of control.

I averaged 78 over my four courses (spec maths, math methods, Chem, physics) and ended up with a 95 atar. It's all subjective to how you perform compared to your cohort so don't give up on 70s that's a good mark.

My kid was the same, he is nearly 2 now and still doesn't eat a lot of things but he definitely eats more than he used to, just keep serving him different foods alongside foods you know he likes and hopefully he will start experimenting more when he is ready. But I know its so frustrating, so much food has been wasted in my house over the last 10 months.

You have good instincts, don't listen to your friends. Look out for you. My aunty supported her husband for years to help him with his gambling addiction only for him to cheat on her for a wealthy woman. An addict of any kind is not going to be a good partner in marriage so unless he sorts himself out and gets professional help, do not even consider marrying him. NTA, but your friends sound like AHs

I had one done by a lovely caring gentle midwife, then one done by a midwife who was annoyed with me. Neither were pleasant but the second one made me cry.

I didn't feel any connection until I was deep into the kicking stage, like 26 weeks plus, before that I just had a parasite that made me sick and tired.

You do you and just don't tell people anything because they are looking for any reason to feel superior.

I have a 21 month old and the last 9 months have been so fun and exciting and wonderful. I personally enjoy toddler stage much more than the baby stage.

My entire pregnancy felt like a never ending hangover. I was in great shape beforehand and felt great.

I experienced this, i think it's because your stomach is all squished up. Just trying to eat small amounts often was all I could do and I still ended up losing a couple of kilos in the last few weeks.

YTA, if you had a plan which you changed you should have at the very least let her know before she got ready to come round.

Pass the letter to dad who can choose to either pass on the letter or just discuss with girlfriend. I think delivering that letter to the girlfriend directly could potentially backfire dramatically.

Don't rely on this guy, he is looking for any excuse to bail on you. And if he does consider it a blessing, that mother In law sounds like a see you next Tuesday.

My MIL loves to tell me how when she was pregnant she had "so much energy she could do anything she felt like superwoman!" Meanwhile I went from being an insomniac who barely slept at night to sleeping 10 hours at night and a 2 hour nap in the day.

I complained every second. "How are you?" "Shit". That was my whole pregnancy. Pregnancy sucks, don't ever let anyone try to tell you otherwise.

This happened to me, 8 weeks though, 2nd time round worked out perfectly. There was about 3 months in between of my body getting back to normal before we conceived which felt like eternity. Don't be disheartened, miscarriages are common xx

YTA. She doesn't get a decent sleep and won't for the next 6 - 12 months and you choose to wake her and the baby with your snoring, which you are aware of because you want to sleep in the same room? Sleep separately before she justifiably smothers you with a pillow.

She's just seeing them because that's what she's used to. I doubt she's trying to be rude, just honest.

You are a little AH, she is trying to be optimistic and prepare for what's to come and you kind of shut her down, not that you're wrong, she just doesn't need to hear that right now. You never know maybe she has one of those unicorn babies born with a 6 hour sleep window and her perfect plan works out.

Thank you just wanted to know if anyone else felt this way.

I have my answer, clearly not a universal feeling. Thanks everyone for your responses.

Yeah, you're right, I just didn't realise how little control I had over the situation and yeah it's just kind of dawning on me how little influence on my child I'm going to have in the future.