He was also all for the redistribution of wealth and treating others how you want to be treated. Needless to say most people who "follow Christ" would be disappointed to find that would make them "woke" if they really did all he said they should do.

These shoes specifically don't make putting your shoes on easier in the slightest other than the actual act of tying the laces. They are a gimmick theyre not meant for anyone that can't tie their shoes. Flyease are but these are not. These came out after the fast fit lines and were just a motorized version of that tech.

There was a Supreme Court case that ruled on this exact matter that essentially anything that isn't a threat of violence is protected speech against a police officer. They handle this right with varying degrees of consistency leading to some lucrative settlements but yes you can pretty much say whatever you want to a police officer. Considering the behavior of many police departments across the nation I'm pretty glad that is protected speech.

You can expand the court through congress.

Start by treating Palestinians like they lived there as long as your ancestors and you don't have any more of a right to that land than they do.

Well you did make it sound like you think Israel is just defending themselves. Good to know you didn't mean it that way.

How about ethnic cleansing then? Over 2 million Palestinians in the last 80 years have been displaced, imprisoned, and killed. 38k in less than a year of mostly women and children definitely starts to smell of genocide.

Give people their land and livelihood back? Actually defend themselves instead of allowing attacks to happen that they knew about so they had a green light to continue their ethnic cleansing with a dash of genocide? End the apartheid state?

:dal-2: Mavericks

I could be wrong but didn't LeBron's new contract just edge them over the second apron?

Yeah literally every independent leftist media outlet wants him to step down. Gimme any Generic Democrat over him. I knew this would be the case when he got the nomination in 2020. All I could think is "I mean sure I guess but this dude is gonna be a wreck if he wants a second term."

So even by your definition it's just involuntarily peeing as opposed to voluntarily. Which is what everyone is saying.

Every year the "RB dead zone" produces startable players people are happy they drafted. It's all about risk exposure for these early rankings but they get it wrong all the time.

:dal-2: Mavericks

It's pretty telling when even other super fit players try stephs routine and fall apart in the process. He really is special. He almost killed Dellavedova.

:dal-2: Mavericks

Kerr explicitly did the opposite with Curry. Having him and Klay run off ball was what unlocked their offense.

In Time was such a cool concept ruined by Justin Timberlakes terrible acting and some questionable writing and special effects choices including possibly the worst car crash in cinema history.

:dal-2: Mavericks

There weren't really any other franchise changing players they could have signed. Maybe Derozan or Horford or Batum but those were the kinds of free agents on the market. No one was close to as big a deal as KD. At best they'd have been replacing Barnes with another Barnes level player and realistically in this scenario KD stays in OKC adding to the gauntlet they'd have to face in the playoffs. KD completely unlocked them and gave everyone on that team possessions off while he went to work, but the biggest thing they accomplished by signing KD was eliminating one of their biggest threats. I think either way they're a dynasty by the way. I think they learned in 73-9 that the regular season isn't worth being worn out for the playoffs. They would have found a way to rattle off a few more.

If Biden can pull out this win and retain a decent majority in congress their first move should be to expand the Supreme Court. So tired of the Dems trying to play nice. Use every ounce of congressional power for the sake of progress.

I just want Lively to start shooting. All reports from him during the season is that he has a respectable 3 in practice. Maybe he doesn't in the game but I hope he tries it out.