No. Importing people to grow the economy is what we call 'legal immigration'. 

They're required by the EU to accept anyone, which is why far right governments are taking over there.

I've thought about this too. Canada is pretty lucky to only have the US border to worry about. Of course, people can still fly here and claim asylum, but they aren't coming in boat loads, because we're surrounded by 2 oceans.

So long as our border with the US is controlled, we're probably in the best  situation in the world for controlling who enters.

I mean, they're clean. You've already done the only thing that really matters, which means you've already won.

I HAVE to pair and fold my socks after they come out of the dryer. Don't know why, but it's one thing I do while I'm taking a load out of the dryer...which inevitably just goes into a clean laundry basket because putting away laundry is the worst (right up there with washing the dishes).

Honestly, it's just whatever works for you. If it doesn't bother you to have an unmade bed, then there's no need to make it. 

Tbh, I only make my bed before I go to sleep at night. I like getting into a made up bed, but I sleep hot, so making my bed in the morning just traps the sweat and makes the mattress and bed smell...and attract dust. So, I leave it to air out during the day.

I think the practice of making one's bed in the morning helps some people, but I also think it's overrated.

Long post so, TL;DR: IDEXX is the problem here. Find a vet that does old school full blood work panels and regular lab tests. - - - -  The main thing that stuck out for me here is: IDEXX labs. That company has now settled 3 anti-competition class-action suits. Their prices are ridiculously inflated and they've taken over the market and usually work with these new massive corporations that are buying up all the independent vet clinics (a whole other issue).

Ex. I took my senior cat in because she had a facial wound (which cleared with antibiotics). I asked my vet to do a complete blood workup including all the panels (ie  liver, kidney, immune) because she was already getting poked, she's senior and I wanted baseline values. 

What I got back was a VERY basic glimpse of her overall health - CBCs, electrolytes, and SOME enzymes, etc. - but lacked all the other key markers of liver, pancreas, kidney, inflammation, etc., functions that would normally (used to) be included in bloodwork.

Seemed odd, so I did a bit of googling and it turns out that these normal values that would be tested aren't included in their "senior wellness profile". No, if you want those you have to pay extra for their "bundled" tests.

Your parents sound like they're gaslighting you. Is there a counselor or therapist you can speak with? Alternatively, your parents don't understand what the diagnosis of epilepsy is since they told you, you don't have "actual epilepsy". Do they admit that you have seizures and seizure disorder?

You're required to report this. Just use your actual name and file a report with the CNO. I've had to do it before and I'm glad I did. Nurses act as witnesses against their coworkers all the time. 

She doesn't even know how to give insulin. It's even if, but when, someone dies because of her.

You're also required by CNO to inform your manager.

Forget about her getting mad at you. Clearly your coworkers are concerned too. I'm concerned that no one has made a complaint yet.

Once you adopted her, you made a promise to her that you'd take care of her for the rest of her life. So, you need to find a way to make it work.

YouTube has a lot of videos from veterinary behaviour therapists. You should check them out. I'm sure there's some "dog whisperer" videos too. Also, look online at SPCA sites, they often have advice or reach out to them to see if they have any enrichment recommendations. 

As for the indoor litter/mat, there's no doubt, ways to help her get used to it.

Be patient and be committed to findings ways to make it work. I'm sure you'll be able to do it. Lots of people work 12 hour shifts anyway and still manage. There might even be threads on another sub for nurses or laborers who've been in your type of situation 

Well, I was initially going to side with her, but the filming and threatening to call the police is weird, unless she's had a bad experience with your dog since her first encounter. 

She doesn't happen to have an online presence does she? Some people get a kick out of making a scene, filming it, and uploading it for no reason other than they have no life.

Ftr, I disagree with the building owner's rule to allow pets to roam off leash. Dogs should only be off leash in areas where no lives nearby, or when they're in off-leash dog parks.

Not at all. Once you adopt any pet, you've chosen to provide a safe, happy and caring home for them for the rest of their life. They come first.

So unless you're only looking for short-term, casual relationships where there's no chance that you'll move in together, then you're doing yourself, your cats, and any future partner/dog parent a favour. 

The same goes for people who know they're allergic to cats or dogs or just don't like them. It would be irresponsible to start dating someone who has a pet you know you wouldn't or couldn't live with or tolerate.

IMO "re-homing" (aka abandoning) a companion animal because they don't suit your lifestyle anymore, is outright cruel.

I clearly have strong opinions on this matter, but I think it's important to talk about. I wish there were more people like the OP.

I'm so sorry to hear about your little guy! It breaks my heart. The grief from losing a dear family member never really goes away, but it does change and get easier over time. When my last kitty died, I wrote a little to her describing everything I loved about her, including specific little quirks and moments we had together. It's been over a decade since she passed but I'm glad I wrote those memories down while they were still fresh.

It does for me, or at least THC does. I had a seizure every time I smoked up (which was only a few times), so obviously I stay away from it now. I have no problems drinking alcohol though.

It's possible that she brings the boys home from school for lunch a few days a week. I don't think it's uncommon.

She just had a c-section, a baby, and surgery, so I can't see why she would want to start homeschooling this year. But then again, I'm not Jill & she's made many questionable decisions in the past.