Scuse me sir, you have some car on your downforce

Yeah it’s the point but I don’t think it’s really worth it for bosses like dilirium who can hit you so easily after the first 10 or so seconds of the fight.. just pointing out.. brimstone over CoL any day

Crown of light actually voids after the first hit even if it’s a blue heart. It just doesn’t refresh if you have red heart damage I believe

That might be the item description that comes up when you pick it up.. but the item is called Yum Heart

The transformers armada game on the ps2. It was just called “Transformers”

Viddal Riley or Filip Hrgovic. Take your pick...

Your neck FX are nearly perfect. I screwed mine up and had to disable them all together in CM lol

What track is this? You’re really good for only 3 days. Better than me lol

I think you guys are fucked in the head when it comes to boogie and wings but I ain’t defending this if my life depends on it 😂 what a scumbag. And he must know that impressionable young people follow him

Hahaha this face but you’re born with a hairlip

Yo I need to get this for my friends birthday. Please tell me you sell them? lol

Somehow I think your build will survive with the damage down.....

Philosopher stone buffed Alphonse vs Kimblee and Pryde was my favourite fight from FMAB

Yep all explosions even enemy ones like greediest

I don’t even care about 60fps I just want 5 second load screens