Silly question— what’s Mag O7?

Starting scariesFirst Timer

I feel exactly as the title states. I was prescribed Zepbound by my PCP —2.5 to start. I had obligations and also wanted to get a stock pile because of the looming shortages. However, my dedicated start date in my mind was today— however I just returned from a vacation where I drank and ate like crap. Wondering should I wait a week and to flush my system or just take it tomorrow night? I have medical anxiety and just super scared. Any advice for this scared first timer.

SW: 265 GW: 175

Thanks so much. Downloading the book from audible now

Thanks so much. I agree..and it’s good to know that someone else can relate to me just wanting to be on Reddit

Any advice for getting anything done while spiraling worrying ?Health

recently I posted about speaking with my therapist for possibly getting on meds. Feel like a failure. I spiral in my worry and thinking and it makes me stagnant. I have things to do now and I am constantly worrying after worry after worry. Only thing that gives me comfort is reddit and avoiding doing what I need to do but then I worry about things not getting done

Gonna try this. My anxiety kinda riddles me useless in during routine tasks etc. so nothing get done and I get anxiety about that

If you can share What antidepressant helped you?


Been going to therapy for a couple of years and have been diagnosed with GAD. I refuse to take any RX SSRI medicines and have been coping by taking a CBD tailor to some (equilibria) and it has been working so far. However, i worry and worry about everything. Worrying is like my part time job at this point… really full time. For example, I am in grad school, I worry about exams and my grades, then my partner and I are deciding to start our journey to having kids— I worried about that. Then after my semester is over I am worrying about something else that is personal. It’s like worry after worry after worry. I am just exhausted with living with constant worry. At my next session with my therapist we will be talking about my options of meds to try. I am extremely scared to try anything. I’m sure my therapist will give me an RX for either Lexapro or Zoloft or the equivalent.

My question is how do you feel on any of the meds mentioned above? Does it change your libido? Does it change your personality? How have your responded to it ?

Not looking for medical advice just how has your mileage been on any meds.

Great question Ha! I’m at a loss. I struggle to gather self care things to do that actually fall under self care and not just a routine errands or chore. The that does pop into my mind is a pedicure. I go to a place I love! Usually sit and talk on phone while I do it. But I would love to unplug while doing it.

What self care things do you do?

Completely agree. The self care, I am finding out the hard way that it is crucial. It’s like I’m running on fumes and on everyone else’s paper. Which is controlling and I am neglecting myself entirely.

I take Equilibria-- curious to know what other active ingredients it has?

I needed this response more than anything. thanks so much. Writing a list of self care now.

anxious + crying non stop - no self careSelf Care

I commend the women here that can really follow the rule of self care. I'm in grad school and the semester just winded down so I will have a little summer time before starting a summer internship. I am struggling hard with being who I want to be in the marriage, on my parent aging and just everything that goes on day to day. My self care is horrible. Can implementing really help me be the wife, child and friend I want to be? I feel like I worry all the time and want to control EVERYTHING. little to say.. its exhausting being like this ...not fun

How were the side effects for you after taking the shot at night?

Congrats. Trying to wait to start to build up a reserve of doses. Quick question— did you decide to eat what you ate and take the supplements to counter the side effects and if so —did it help?

How does sending out for repair work if you purchase via ebay? Always been curious about that.