Out the gate I assumed as much, but DAMN, they're not even trying anymore, are they?

She couldn't be respecting you any less.

What is the worst that could happen? Would they tell her to break up with you? Or would they just wonder if you could provide for their daughter, and then you inform them you make good money, and they say "Oh, okay, good."?

I feel like even if she says she hasn't, she's probably told them inaccurate things about your profession already. Cuz I can't picture this person being cool with being told no, if she's acting like this out the gate.

If she is willing to ruin a relationship with a non-lawyer or doctor because her parents are nuts, that's her problem, and if they're just a bit skeptical rather than outright horrible, then why does it matter when you say you make way more than her?? You clearly can provide stability.

If she tries to lie, consider what you would say to play it off and then tell them your actual profession. Because there is NO playing along with this, she's lost her marbles if she thinks otherwise.

So, what the hell makes her so neurotic about this? This isn't normal or sane. Are her parents just the absolute worst and inclined to reject you out the gate for being a graphic designer, or does she look down on your profession THAT badly?

Nothing would justify this but if her parents instilled this horrible need for approval, it's at least something I can have a degree of sympathy for.

If not, then frankly, she couldn't respect you any less than she does. Her dismissing it with just insisting that you're making a bigger deal out of it than it is (while she's the one who insists you maintain a lie to your in laws for the rest of your life), it's just a way of avoiding addressing why she genuinely thinks this is necessary.

She's embarrassed by you, really doesn't want to be called out for it. But I mean, if she wants to only be seen with a doctor or a lawyer, why is she wasting your time? I don't want to just jump right into "Dump them!" but if she keeps arguing this, I can't imagine how this gets salvaged.

But... how did it make fun of YOU? The way you're describing it, you never actually try to make it sound like it was specifically in relation to something you did. Are you really trying to argue that he took it the wrong way, cuz you were only being self depreciating, when you said you didn't want him to fail to make you cum this time?

Please try to open your mind to the idea that you were wrong here, because otherwise I see a lot of COMPLETELY unnecessary contention in this marriage.

I actually totally disagree on Wally, a female Wally sounds odd to me. But yes, I keep seeing female Ryans and I don't get it. I mean, Riley is right there.

Yeah, a lot of people just put it together after a point, but clearly a weirdly huge number of people don't, it's weird.

I believe you that it's a more common experience for men than what they talk about publicly, but sometimes I think that people forget that the social norms of these kinds of corners of the internet are not the be-all end-all for the wider world. Cuz I mean... obviously there's tons of men who aren't made to feel ashamed for lack of hygiene, that's where we get here in the first place, and people slut shaming women and joking that they smell like fish, while not socially acceptable on this side of Reddit, it's definitely a thing.

It does suck that there's a lot of cases where men are not really able to be vulnerable publicly without risking scrutiny, and I'm not saying that no man has ever dealt with this situation, but...naw, man, I think it's unfair to act as though it's just...not socially acceptable to say a woman can have poor hygiene. Just cuz you can't say it on this side of Reddit doesn't mean you can't say it.

Understandable. That said, my mom just told us that whatever doesn't get washed in the shower isn't getting clean any other way, I imagine it's not too difficult to teach your kids without saying anything too detailed. But yes, when you throw in the puritan shit, it's a different game altogether.

Dude, are you me?

I mean, I'm 28, but I'm also 6'0, in the weight range where a lot of men insist they would never date me, ever, AND get told I need to eat a sandwich.

I swear, the extent of the self pitying some of these guys have, when I haven't even personally met a woman that would swear off dating a man under 6'0, it's maddening. It's just a thing they fixate on cuz they can't change it, thus it's a quick and easy way to act like there is not one single thing they can do to improve themselves, that maybe their personalities are the issue.

NTA, fight the good fight, I'm going to lose it if I meet another man like this.

Idk if it's becoming worse or something, it feels like people aren't raising their sons to understand these things.

Obviously plenty of women are unhygienic too, but as one guy in the comments here points out, he had sex with a woman with terrible hygiene one time and then was so put off, he completely lost interest and stopped talking to her. On average, it seems like women are so trained to believe this is just their job, their pleasure isn't important, so they gotta just do it, cuz they'd be a selfish, judgemental partner otherwise.

But on average, women kind of HAVE to wash themselves cuz way fewer men will just say nothing and stick around out of politeness.

Those women give me the impression that they're victims to the general perception that women's pleasure is not important, that they just need to be there for their man. So many of these women don't see that if their partner says nice things to them, but isn't decent enough to wash his dick before he wants a blowjob/doesn't respect her enough to try to please HER in return, that's a words vs. actions thing.

It's so sad, I think they just have had it so drilled into their heads, they don't consider that this isn't just the way of things, they can indeed dump this man and meet a man who doesn't think hygiene is gay.

I swear, I have never once in my life had to make my partner practice basic hygiene. I really can't lose this man or I'm apparently thrown into a world of unwashed genitals.

I wouldn't recommend that to catch on as a name for girls OR even a boy in the modern day, but I actually kinda like that. Idk, I like unusual names that aren't just the process of putting a random "Y" in a pre-existing name.

Did she use Will as a nickname? Or even Willa?

Friend, WHY are you here? Do you have a humiliation kink or something? Did you think everyone would agree and you're THAT petulant that everyone called you TA? Or are you just a troll?

You will get exactly the same response here as you always have and you have provided no reasons for people to feel differently than they did previously, so you're either an insane level of unaware, or you're just trolling.

Cuz, I mean... fuckin' boo hoo for you, people called you mean because you were being mean to your husband. If you actually exist, it's really cool that he'll be on the market again soon for someone else to appreciate. And if you're a troll, there are many easy to follow and fun guides for more practical hobbies than this, I recommend learning to make a really good tiramisu, maybe then people will wanna hang out with you irl.

It reminds me of the dude who I think was a divorce lawyer who met a guy who wanted to divorce his wife because she had asked him every day of their decades long marriage how he takes his coffee.

Maybe he was just telling someone else's story/joke, idk, but the thing is, as silly as that is, it wouldn't be fair to say he was divorcing her cuz she asked him how she takes his coffee. That says something about what their marriage was, and how tired he would have been at her disregarding things he says constantly and acting like she wasn't doing it on purpose, when I can't imagine why she WOULDN'T be.

It's not about mousse, it's her being really fed up. And treating it like a short fuse tells me this guy is going to get dumped and act really surprised, cuz these little things add up when one or both parties pretends everything is fine.

I would disagree with one thing here, though, cuz they're right about it definitely being a trend that Splash started (my parents got the name elsewhere but Splash calmed their worries about it not being a good name for a girl. Also, my mom is named Kimberly, and that actually also used to be accepted as a boy's name, so they were sort of continuing a theme.) but it isn't quite on par with "Broadway". More like, idk, Kevin? So, it was a normal name, just not one you would ever hear for a girl.

It's honestly hard to give an example of names that would be odd for a girl, because so many formerly masculine names have been shifted over to feminine now but I don't know that there is an influx of female Kevins... yet.

Of course, masculine is seen as a default, but feminine is seen as only being for girls, so if enough girls have a previously masculine name, then suddenly it's embarrassing for a boy to have that name. Tangent, but it annoys me.

True. Except I object to the idea that it was like naming herself "Broadway", cuz Madison was indeed an accepted name, just not for girls.

My mom's favorite actor is Cary Grant, and he once played a character in a movie named Madison Brown. My parents liked the idea of naming a daughter that, but were unsure, since it wasn't yet seen as a girl's name, but they figured that hey, the movie Splash had a main character named Madison. Even if it was just picked on a whim, it was still an example of it not being so unusual being a name for a girl.

They thought they were being very oddball when they did it though, they didn't know that many others were going to be inspired directly by Splash, roughly a decade after the movie came out, for some reason.

I heard someone say once that it seemed like they made up for how not 17 she looked by making her act about 3-4 years younger than that.

My niece has the nickname Emmie, I wouldn't have thought of it for this but that one is pretty cute

You're being downvoted but I have an odd appreciation for this one. I have a cousin with that name, but the parents spelled it in a god awful way. I think it was Synnamon.

Idk, I would think Cindy would be a good nickname for it. Cinna isn't exactly common either, but the Hunger Games might make it passable.

I made a similar post a few days ago and some of the comments said the quiet part out loud; that a lot of it is classism and/or racism relating to the people they associate the name with.

When I first heard my SIL's niece was named Nevaeh, I assumed it was spelled like Navaya, and while I know the spelling is something of a "gimmick" for this, I would prefer the first spelling I thought of.

I'm very fond of Clementine, but even if I suddenly decided I wanted a kid, I wouldn't give them this name, because I'm not a fan of Clem as a nickname.

Tiny is another option, but obviously not a great one.

It's so interesting to me, I was trying to figure out why the hell they chose Chris Pratt, and there was a moment it seemed to make more sense in my mind. Simpler than I thought, really.

Making movies takes a while and the general image of Chris Pratt shifted in a HUGE way in a short amount of time. Still wouldn't have been my choice, but the Parks & Rec guy makes a lot more sense in the role than the Marvel guy.