Your Best American Girl

yes Iโ€™ll send you the link!

i was tryna wake up in the morning lmao the light mode woke me up๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’€

Stereotypes just suck in general. Especially for gay men and lesbians. Any stereotype just sucks. It matters more about who the person is on the inside. Nobody has to fit inside of a certain box.

Not specific on that. Im not really sure. I just know what sheโ€™s saying and doing matches the postโ€™s description.

Yeah im not a bitch (she is tho) I just wanna tell her what sheโ€™s doing isnโ€™t right yk

Literally! Im gonna address it to her that saying that stuff is wrong the next time she says shit like that.

The other day, my friend S came up to me and said โ€œi want a gay best friend!โ€ And i was like, โ€œdude, im right hereโ€ (im a female btw). She said, โ€œno i want a GAY best friend. I want him to say โ€œslay, girly!โ€ and help me with fashion advice.โ€ I deadass was speechless and didnโ€™t say anythingโ€ฆ

i love anything apocalyptic omg (also love the jinx Reddit profile)

yes no spoilers tho pls but itโ€™s really fun! my ps5 says im about 30% done

omg im playing tlou1 right now! itโ€™s so fun but scary af

[BTS][S1] THIS scene hits hard. Spoiler

*NOT SPECIFICALLY TALKING ABOUT THE KISS SCENE (I know that scene is determinant), but this was the only picture I thought of to label it.

This whole scene when Rachel is persuading Chloe that they should leave Arcadia Bay that night HITS HARD. My mom and I were talking about it together when I first played(she watched me play and has a LOT of opinions about the game), and we both realized something. If Chloe and Rachel had left that night and gone wherever they planned, EVERYTHING that happened to Rachel would've never happened. Her getting stabbed in the arm by Damon, everything relating to the Dark Room, getting killed, everything like that. It REALLY shows (like every other LIS game) how everything we do has major consequences. As much as I have a love/hate relationship with Rachel, that just hit me hard.

this is just my opinion though. ofc i understand they possibly couldn't have left that night in the first place, BUT STILL the realization hits hard. what do y'all think???


omg PLEASEEE tell me when you upload it somewhere OMFG! That sounds so interesting ๐Ÿ˜