All staves should be -20 movespeed

Meanwhile me with frost pots " I said sit down, be humble"

Supply is usually as good as grassroots and is cheaper I get $120 oz's pretty often from them. Its still hit and miss on the sticky but everything I've bought from them has been at least decent. I've tried some other brands and had dry shit or stuff that wasn't cured properly, that's just where the med program is right now. Invest in Raw brand hydro stones for rehydrating.

What exactly would someone like my father who has his own business where he is the only worker. He owns the means to his own production and has many customer's and can switch to any supplier he chooses? I am genuinely interested, for reference he sells meat and seafood delivered directly to customers homes, he does the delivery's and restocking. The only way Id say he outsources work is a tax professional hired once a year.

To make more wealth for rich people. Like the economy does work, but only for them.

Fishing kayaks are made for stability, not high top speed.

Thats not even true iceland was uninhabited by people by the time vikings showed up to its shores. And the people that occupy now are largely decended from those vikings.

Thats not even true iceland was uninhabited by people by the time vikings showed up to its shores. And the people that occupy now are largely decended from those vikings.

Probably that we live in a Caste system still. It's fucking barbaric but its the truth.

5 eyes pretty much forms all of western global media, so its never very different between those 5 countries.

Of everyplace I've been so far Pictured Rocks Michigan, also love Myrtle Beach South Carolina its very popular on the east coast.

Schools are strange because an inner city school can be a downright awful learning environment alot of the problems stem from many students and too little funding from the local district, but just a few 10-20 miles away you could have multiple schools where they have lots of money and fewer students and some could call those schools decent or even nice. Public education is vastly underfunded on average and some schools are more like daycares just so the parents can maintain working hours.

I'm sure I could find stupid people in any country

I really liked scavengers when it was in beta(pvpve extraction with 3rdperson gunfights with melee and abilities mixed in) then they changed way to many things and it kinda flopped on release, looked it up and it was taken off steam. 1 thing I got over quickly was the idea of a single extraction ship that everyone had to fight over. I really enjoy the multiple options to leave or delve further in DaD.

consumable that gives you 20% damage damage absorption for 60 secs.

It is annoying, but what is really frustrating is absolutely zero communication from microsoft or wildcard on both instances now. How hard is it to write a post "new update will be delayed x amount of hours, expect drop at x time"?

or go get the boiled crabs if you want to stay pure dex

I play in a tribe where i'm on gamepass, two tribemates are on steam and 1 is on ps5.

I love downing all the fuckers, putting 1 on hook. Then pick up the other let them wiggle out while I stand still, let them unhook and down them all again look at them crawl around then pick 1 up and let them escape. If they still think they got the better of me after all that, then there is nothing that will help them.