Dispersed Camping at Bald Mountain? (Or other places ?)

Hi all, I’m wondering is dispersed camping is allowed at Bald Mountain / if anyone has done it? I’ve tried calling the park but no answer :(

If anyone has any suggestions for southeast Michigan dispersed camping though please let me know! I’m in Detroit so preferably not more than 1 hr away :) thanks!

Something that I feel helped me in my interview is figuring out the TJ’s interview questions. There are a lot of posts on this subreddit that will show what questions they asked. I had answers prepared which helped me be confident and prepared in my interview! Best of luck

Having the same problem. I set about 5 alarms every morning , the first will go off (sometimes) and the rest won’t. Snooze doesn’t work either. Super frustrating

Close tie between “peyote” and “ostrich patties”

Camping between Iowa city and Des Moines

Hi! I’m traveling from Detroit to Colorado and I’m camping along the way. Looking for recommendations of safe and scenic campsites between iowa city and Des Moines, preferably close to i-80. Any favorite sites? Thanks!


Definitely Emily’s sewing machine!! I love making new outfits


I manually entered it! Mistyped the numbers!


I was trying to type in the code for gala, must’ve mixed up the numbers and stumbled upon this mystery!


No idea how I did it.. super weird lol

Who are all the friends + where to find them? (Christmas Event)Questions

I am relatively new to the game and this is my first Christmas event. How many ornaments do I need to collect / where can I find the characters? And how do I give gifts? Thanks

I get called awkward and quiet and it’s always from people who I am not very close with.. like of course I’m quiet we aren’t friends!