In essence, it creates language files for the main language file and the languages you want to add. Afterwards, you need to translate the respective strings(text) manually via the Polylang panel in your dashboard. Honestly, it is very straightforward process with Polylang. Nothing you can't learn from a 5min youtube video or Polylang documetation.

My comment from another thread:

I would recommend you to use WPML. Imo, Polylang is meant for simple websites with no e-commerce functionality. If you are using WooCommerce I would highly suggest to use WPML due to it having integrations with almost anything. Do not forget to download the WPML extensions if need be. For instance, if you are using Mailchimp, then you to download an additional WPML extension plugin for it in order to make it multilingual. Hope it helps, cheers!

If it is a website with no ecommerce functionality, then I suggest Polylang.

If it is a website with WooCommerce, then use WPML.

I would recommend you to use WPML. Imo, Polylang is meant for simple websites with no e-commerce functionality. If you are using WooCommerce I would highly suggest to use WPML due to it having integrations with almost anything. Do not forget to download the WPML extensions if need be. For instance, if you are using Mailchimp, then you to download an additional WPML extension plugin for it in order to make it multilingual. Hope it helps, cheers!

Looks just what I need. Thanks!

By any chance, do you know how well the integration with WPML is handled?

Loyalty program and referral system in WooCommerceHelp Request

Hey, fellow WordPress devs and enthusiasts!

In my latest project, the client wants to implement a loyalty program with a referral system on his new website. WPALLIMPORT will handle the product import via a CSV file. The store itself has only around 550 products, but they are variable products with up to 80 custom fields. The website is in 2 languages and translated with WPML, built with Elementor.
Even though I consider myself to be a rather experienced WordPress dev, I have never created a loyalty program on WordPress sites.
How do you guys implement this functionality on a website? Is there a preferred plugin you use? Or is there some other method how to accomplish it via PHP modifications or such? Thanks in advance!

Hey, thanks for sharing!

I actually did already accomplish this task. You are right in the regard, that the file format is completely different, but it isn't different by a lot. Honestly, the only issue was the product attributes which are stored in the following format - "Main Category:Field Name:Value". WordPress populates ACF fields somewhat differently, so I had to add a PHP function to reimburse this logic in my WooCommerce store.

Sure, if you are not a dev, then hiring expert help is the way to go. At the end of the day, the time you will spend on this will far outweigh the monetary expenses.

Could you please share these dozen ways of collecting e-mails?


I was wondering whether there are any other methods for accomplishing such a task. I had an idea to add a checkbox in the checkout next to Privacy Policy agreement, so when a user buys something, they agree to having their email stored and used.

Collecting emails for future marketing campaigns in WordPressHelp Request

Hey fellow WordPress users!

A new client approached me with this issue - he wants to collect a list of e-mails from the users of his site so he can use the list for future email campaigns.
I started to wonder about the many ways of how can such a thing be achieved. The clients' site uses Mailchimp, but I have only collected e-mails via the subscription forms.
I guess my question is - are there any other popular ways of collecting e-mails? What do you guys usually use for such a task? Thanks in advance!

Thanks a lot! I have actually heard horror stories from former colleagues about Opencart to WooCommerce migration.

Migrate from Opencart to WooCommerce / Extract eCommerce data

Hey, fellow web devs!

Recently I landed a project to migrate all eCommerce data from Opencart to WooCommerce / WordPress. WordPress is my bread and butter so I don't have any questions about that side, but it is my first time tackling Opencart.

My question is about the export of CSV / Excel files. How do you export it? Can you do it manually somewhere? Do you need an extension? If yes, which one is the best and preferred by the community?

I need to export every piece of info concerning products, categories, orders, etc.

Many thanks for considering my request!

Migrate from Opencart to WooCommerce / Extract eCommerce dataQuestion

Hey, fellow web devs!

Recently I landed a project to migrate all eCommerce data from Opencart to WooCommerce / WordPress. WordPress is my bread and butter so I don't have any questions about that side, but it is my first time tackling Opencart.
My question is about the export of CSV / Excel files. How do you export it? Can you do it manually somewhere? Do you need an extension? If yes, which one is the best and preferred by the community?
I need to export every piece of info concerning products, categories, orders, etc.

Many thanks for considering my request!

Migrate from Opencart to WooCommerce / Extract eCommerce data

Hey, fellow web devs!

Recently I landed a project to migrate all eCommerce data from Opencart to WooCommerce / WordPress. WordPress is my bread and butter so I don't have any questions about that side, but it is my first time tackling Opencart.
My question is about the export of CSV / Excel files. How do you export it? Can you do it manually somewhere? Do you need an extension? If yes, which one is the best and preferred by the community?
I need to export every piece of info concerning products, categories, orders, etc.

Many thanks for considering my request!

WordPress without a doubt. Imo, Wix is too limited in functionality in comparison. And for quite some time WordPress has been the king of CMS.

You can translate nontranslatable strings using css and :lang attribute though. Its kinda hacky and not clean way of doing things, but it works.

Not sure about the popups as I haven't used this particular tool, but for projects without woocommerce I usually use polylang plugin and for those with woocommerce - wpml.

The info about the issue is somewhat lacking. But I would check if the DNS records are pointing in the right direction.

120? That is a really good price. Keep in mind that the box is huge. In my opinion, the contents inside are well worth 200+. You can easily rack up 300+ hours on a single playthrough. In essence, GH is underpriced.

You can't pause on legendary and the minimap is not displayed either.

True, I was aware of Alice cheese, but it's a good point about Advocate. Tons of exp early for free. Then again, these are strats for players who have finished the game at least once. Imo, a new player will waste 20 res. scrolls just to get to the island.