misread your comment. thought you were saying that the meta has adapted to something like hogaak.

silly argument again. of course pros can count, but the players have to go through loops quickly in order to not go to time in the non-thoracle decks (the best ones). having to keep track of it is cumbersome, especially on day 1, when more than the best of the best is playing. and ruby storm isnt even remotely a good comparison. keeping track of one number in terms of spells and a mana pool is easy, this isnt. that youre drawing that comparison really proves you're just being contrarian to feel smart lol

massive copium. dude literally didnt look into the proce of ps2's or he would have told whoever sold it to him to f off lol. massive ripoff. inarguable.

watch the gameplay from the protour. literally any of it. also its a chord deck. arguing that banning shuko or outrider is dumb.

it literally makes decks go to time while being the best deck. decks have been banned for less. and the very templating of the card itself makes the gameplay problematic and cumbersome. the venue literally had to have people put a big ol flip card number pad to determine how many triggers had been resolved on each permanent. the way the card works facilitates intentional and unintentional cheating, while also creating 5-7 minute turns.

and youre wrong about hogaak. there are multiple content creators who have tested this lol. wrong on literally every count. quit being contrarian.

blows my mind that people won't just look at prices before buying something.

so thats means its even worse of a deal lol. you overpaid by like $30. pls tell me ur talkin AUS dollars.

i can't believe the game that resulted from off of dark souls over a period of 11 years is a more solidly constructed game!!!! 😱😱😱

what a moron lol

idk man, staring at the drapes isn't gonna do much for ya.

refer back to the other comments about bird vs bird hate not being a good meta lol. quit being a contrarian and actually evaluate the statements you're making.

literally just used your format lol.

great comeback, bro. tired of your poorly thought out statements getting you bodied in the comments yet?

its kind of half the point of the deck.

probably came back due to being diagnosed.

gotta sell packs. theyre going to ban shuko, then cite mtgo results even though they know its not played online due to timeouts. calling it right now.

nah bro, i just can never be sure with this sub lol. it was obv, totally on me.

that, oko, uro, top, and astrolabe. i think that'll balance things out nicely πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

if this isn't sarcastic, nah, just throwing out that stat to convey how broken nadu is.

don't bother. this dude didn't look at the decklists, didnt look at stats, didn't listen to what pros were saying, and very clearly didnt even watch the miserable gameplay. theyre here to be a contrarian.

bro cant even comprehend that a deck is more than one card. literally everything you've posted in this thread is just you being contrarian without actually evaluating what you're saying.

knew you didnt look at any lists lmao

nope, playing since 2014. first time evaluating stats and cards?


21% of day 1 and best conversion rate

most expected deck and still bulldozed thru hate

6 in the top 8

59% winrate

non deterministic win with miserable play pattern

every pro player saying it's busted

performed better than hogaak when comparing debuts

yeah, totally doesn't need a ban. contrarian aah post.