I quit in ā€˜74 aided by $10 a carton.

Frisch is far from a progressive Democrat. In a sane world heā€™d be running as a moderate Republican. I know him.

Itā€™s not black or white or gray for me. Itā€™s nothing.

My grandson is 3 months old. I was there when his little crying head popped out! Definitely positively not catatonic.

Like Secret Service when they accompany folks to Aspen for vacay & conferences etc. Everyone can tell

We adopted a deaf dog who had been taught many signs by the Rescue. Within 3 months my other 2 dogs picked up the sign too without us making any extra effort at all. People thought we were geniuses with genius dogs besides. Dogs are amazing!!

I miss 3 gallons of gas for $1.00! And 60ā€™s music.

No map in my mind but once Iā€™ve been in an area Iā€™m good at getting around even decades later. Even if new buildings are up and new parks appear.

I like maps, real paper maps are best.

I have plenty of issues with mind rap! I donā€™t need to see things too.

I knew a coyote/husky-choc lab cross who looked a whole lot like this guy. She had a faint ā€œmaskā€ but as I remember, no other markings & similar color. Mom was the husky/lab. Mom was a lot bigger than Zephyr who had 2 blue eyes & was the only one in the litter who did.

Iā€™m an avid reader too. Spent summers from school at the library. I still read everyday, mostly biography, history & lots of science fiction & my enjoyment is full. I watch less television than pretty much everyone I know.

Freaked me out too. I cried for days. Got quite depressed. But it was also revealing- counting sheep, invisible friends.

Now Iā€™m fine. Itā€™s a super power in that the traumas of my life donā€™t continue to appear. Especially those from the military & other violence. Iā€™m not an alcoholic or drugged up like many of my peers with similar backgrounds. My mind is more fresh?