I wish they were all made that way.

I was hoping he was gonna open the door with dude's face.

Basically waterboarding for cars.

Have you driven anywhere? People don't pay attention to shit dumb dumb.

The wife always saves it for the end but never finishes it because she gets too full. I get annoyed she doesn't start with the cap but then happy because she didn't lol.

I just started a new character to be primarily melee, been fun so far. Can't wait until I can get the ripper!

I second this, Kirkland champagne is terrible and tastes nothing like Veuve.

I know Tinker Federal Credit Union does $5. Never seen $10 though.

That's like eating a burrito starting in the middle.

Emotional support truck.

Yep not everyone is a loser only you. The one that wakes up everyday to spout shit on the Internet because, well you're a loser. It's sad that making fun of homeless people issues is the highlight of your sad existence. Your mother would be so proud.

His asshole is the source he pulled that info from.

What I do is up my contributions every year we get a raise (hopefully anyway) that way you don't feel the hit of contributing too much at one time. I try to do at least 1%, if the percentage raise is higher than usuaI would add a little more. At your age and the amount of money you got socked away you should be in good shape, just need to throw a little more towards contributions.

I normally just go to Tulsa and feel better about our homeless population.

Your misinformation makes me sad.

Just did this and it looks like I'm not having the issue anymore. Thanks!