We had to unlock the fan speeds on our cards because OEMs would rather clock down the CPU than have them make noise and now people buy cards only to not use them to their full potential. Smh.

I don't think there's a law against spike strips on your lawn.

We were able to buy a lot of shit that we wouldn't have been able to if it hadn't been made in China.

Der Job ist echt ein absoluter Geheimtipp für Schriftsteller, die über eine magische Schlange schreiben wollen, die sich gegen Widerstände durchsetzen muss.

If you feel that way, that's fine.

I don't know what double standard you suppose I'm applying here, though, because I'm still only talking about one person.

Did you miss the part where this story is about Scholz saying something?

I followed the topic of Ukraine being discussed, and whatever Scholz is doing, in Germany because I live here.

Why would I be talking about other countries?

You're derailing this for no particular reason.

Yeah, 3 days after the invasion.

Ukraine had been asking for weapons before that and got nothing, even though it was clear what was about to happen.

Now, sure, but for the longest time it was a few helmets and nothing but "we'll only do it if the US does it" or total silence.

Not just regarding Ukraine, either, but in general. The guy basically doesn't exist most of the time.

And he has a very bad memory when it comes to tax fraud, too.

I don't know how satisfying it can be to find out your dad hasn't even noticed noticed that you haven't lived there for the past 6 months.

Sober is fucking boring but it's better than hangovers, anxiety and the long-term effects.

Commercial aviation.

General aviation is basically "some guy" flying an airplane, and there are a lot of pilots doing it that shouldn't.

That is what x-day work week has always meant.

Your company doesn't have to make you work five days a week, it's just what they do because it's the maximum.

You could just read the article, too.

employees of private businesses that provide round-the-clock services will reportedly have the option of working an additional two hours per day or an extra eight-hour shift.

Food service and tourism workers are not included in the six-day working week initiative.

Right there in the article.

Nobody is gonna blame the hostages.

The fault lies entirely with the terrorists.