Oh my, she's a big GIRL. More to snuggle with.

No problem. To me, it's so interesting when the wild neighbors come for a visit. I lived in the central Sierra Nevada foothills and lower Sierra Nevada mountains and saw bears occasionally. I only saw a mom with a (tiny) cub twice.....both times walking up a trail a week apart. I haven't seen any bears here this year, but last night I did see a moose. Love the wildlife!

Thanks for letting me know. I guessed either Pennsylvania or New Jersey. Great video.

I use to see an old Labrador riding in a cart behind a bicycle when I lived in Wyoming and I cycled one of the bike paths. That old dog always looked so happy to be going for a ride. This photo, especially with the similar backgound, reminded me of that happy memory.

That's got to be the biggest black bear I have ever seen! What state/province is this?

That's fine. I had bears come through my yard when I lived there, too. I love to see wildlife and always wonder where, in general ,the lucky people who see them are living. I'm in Montana and my friends and family in Oregon and CA see more animals on their properties than I do!

I'm so sorry. I know the pain of losing one's best friend. It's sharp and unceasing. Maybe you could do something for a needy dog(s) in his memory? Honoring your boy while helping another, trying to make a positive out of a negative, might help you deal with the pain.

I'm a boomer and I hate any clutter. My parents never got rid of anything, although they weren't collectors, and one of my sons has an incredibly messy house full of everything you can imagine. His wife won't get rid of anything. One of my boomer sisters has so much stuff that she forgets or can't find things.After awhile, things can begin to own you and take over your life.

So, it more than just a boomer thing. I believe our society puts too much emphasis on consumerism and not enough on relationships and experience. Just my opinion.

For awhile my dogs had a first and second breakfast every day. They would wake me up early because they were ravenous (according to them) so to be able to go back to sleep I would give them some food. When our real breakfast time rolled around, they had conveniently forgotten about their previous meal, and let me know they needed breakfast. Of course, the joke was on them as they just got half their normal breakfast each time

When my boys were in elementary school, I would make homemade root beer ( it takes a couple of weeks to ferment get carbonated). On the last day of school, we would have a root beer float party and invite friends. The kids would have water fights, too. Great fun.

Never once bought a birthday cake, always made and decorated them myself. We played simple games and let the kids run around and be kids. I can't imagine spending so much money on a birthday party. Crazy to me.

I love your style. Beautiful painting!!

I think the whole color scheme is a little bland and a dark accent color thrown in on doors, etc would help.

You don't live in a small town, I gather. Everyone waves to each other as we pass by in our vehicles in my little town.

You don't have a marriage.

A marriage is a partnership where each member looks out for the welfare of the other and the good of the family. You are in some sort of a user/used relationship. From what you wrote, it sounds like your wife brings very little to the marriage and behaves like a spoiled little brat.

I think she wants bragging rights with her entitled friends about owning an expensive horse. If it was really about her love of horses, she could be helping out at a stable or exercising/caring for other people's horses, just for the joy of being around them.

Let's say she gets her way. What happens when she tires of the horse and all that owning one involves? Will it be flying lessons and her own plane or something equally financially demanding on you?

If she wants to feel fulfilled she should get a job and do something with her life. Only she has the ability to do that. And that is true for you, too. If you are so miserable and heavily burdened by your job and responsibilities, maybe it's time for a lifestyle "diet" to lose some of that unnecessary weight

I think it's very cozy but I liked the original artwork better. But you should stick with what you like.

I turned off the volume after watching this and because of his gray hair I immediately thought of Leslie Nielsen. Can you imagine Nielsen in a scene, with the same demeanor, saying the same words? It would come off as comedic. This priest is just spurting nonsense about a place he supposedly knows nothing about and claims to have never visited. It's pitiful that so many people are followers of this sort of garbage......seeing evil everywhere instead of looking for the good or positive.

Yellow Labrador named Lucky when I adopted him. I had already had a dog named Lucky and the name didn't fit his personality to me. He became Rowdy, a most appropriate name for a crazy, crazy dog. He's three and a half now and thankfully has calmed down some. The first year with him (he was eight months old when I adopted him) was rough.

Keep it. If you like a rustic, lodge look, this is perfect. Lots of hotels and lodges in MT and WY that I have been to have similar styled furniture. I think you just need to build on it with a few other Southwest decor items. Maybe a rug or pottery, decoys etc. Check out some Pinterest sites for ideas. My house is decorated in a SW and lodge style. It's ageless and everyone who comes to visit comments on how much they like it.