Gasping. She would hate whenever I gasped over something with excitement. She moved in with me and my husband and we were watching true detective and of course I’m gasping cause the show is exciting and I hear her telling me to stop. That’s when I noticed I apologized to strangers over so many things my mom hated about me. Crying as well but I think a lot of us have shared that one and yeah I trained myself to cry alone.

Yes let’s take the biology lesson from this guy 🙄

I wish I had the hand coordination that this person has 😅

Is there a sub that posts anatomy related videos like this?

Don’t other leaders from other states buy bus tickets for their homeless and send them to CA? How do we fix that problem?

Never met my dad but Barney is the one character I can relate to when it comes to relationships with parents. I don’t think I’ve ever related to another character in that aspect and I didn’t feel alone because all the things he’s said to them were things I’ve felt and wanted to say.

Individualism mixed with capitalism will get you here folks. This lady is selfish for asking for ridiculous things like “wear and tear” is she going to charge people who go to her home for parties as well? Where is it going to end?

“How dare brown/black people exist, the idea of them existing makes me cry” - this racist probably

Never hated Ms. Swift but also wasn’t a big fan of her music. After reading from both sides I can conclude that staying away from her was a good thing but the media always pushes her face all over my feed… anyways I found this sub and had to follow cause y’all are funny as heck

It’s giving Robin daggers

Go to a dermatologist to see if you can get Accutane. Same thing happened to me and I got my life back.

Does anyone know what the acronym for POV stands for? Asking for almost every one in the entire internet at this point.

When I would cry my mom would tell me to go to the bathroom cause she didn’t want to see my face and to urinate and let out all the water out (she didn’t finish school). Would always go to the bathroom and cry until my bf now husband would take the time to listen about my feelings without immediately dismissing them once tears started coming down my face.