It prevents status moves from affecting the pokemon; meaning that stuff like leer, growl and the like do nothing to them. means you can set up with impunity to get to the lategame where you have triple berry pouch and a bunch of lum berries to keep status secondary effects from tokens from annoying you.

It knew about that, and the funnest part was mixing a rare shiny lokix, and an epic shiny lokix to get a lokix with 5 luck~

I get what you're going for but like...

Rheastrasza and Alexstrasza are two unique characters; Ysera was too old to be that whelp; but the other two work.

If it's about similarity of effects, its nominally sensemake, though Veiled and Reliquary don't really map 1:1, similar with Rhea and Alex.

Pause it like they're doing because the two stable metagames they've provided have been unduly dominated.

Formats last longer, and have dedicated support teams.

Willingness to ban cards from format. It would not take many bans to make this current format have a greater deck diversity.

I kinda disagree with the idea that it's the gadgetzan meta as it was, and that it was as infamous as implied. Back in the day there was a healthier blend of stuff, and the real frustrations were around Shamanstone with the tunnel troggs and jade druid's frustration coming from it hobbling the fatigue gameplan.

The problem with the meta as it was in these last few months has been a ROGUE issue, rather than a wider gadgetzan issue. Being the class with the easiest access to Mana cheat, an insane card draw tool, and both extension and buff of its jade package has made it uniquely a problem.

It's a format issue that could be arguably fixed with a ban of preparation, sprint, and divine favor to give other decks breathing room.

It's more specifically the choice of gadgetzan was not arbitrary. The problem after that is the game mode devs were shuffled off during restructuring back in September.

Because gadgetzan was the last set produced before Rotation. XL was meant to discourage aggro; and ungoro was meant to be one last injection of life without needing a full on second caverns set. They did incremental because they cannot afford to do a ton of patches.

That said, its frustrating if only because it reminds people why everyone hates rogue.

My core issue is that it ended way too much like Endgame. They set up all this conflict then in swoops the heroes who have made all the correct decisions that result in their sacrifices being minimized, and a status quo restored.

Curing Ajani and Nissa was a load of garbage for minimal sacrifice, New capenna never actually needing Elspeth sucked; just... the material consequences were minimized.

But the biggest thing I think to me is that there was talk about huge changes, and while maybe interplanar travel by non-walkers might be on the table, the thing that's really irking me is how much they shoved phyrexianization back into the Old Phyrexia hole. The keystone army shit that caused them all to go comatose felt so bad, and if they stay corpses basically that's going to be a huge frustration.

What I personally want to see is that with the modifications jin made and the loss of any carrier signal, this creates an opportunity to maybe use halo to flush the system of its corruptive properties and return the oil back to its pre-yawgmoth state; giving new life to these phyrexians who have varying degrees of basically newborn consciousness, and making phyrexians a new species that exists in its own vibe across the multiverse rather than as just the badguys, especially since with some still in the void you can create divergence and nuance that way.

Hideki anno doesn't hate asuka. Asuka, like all the other characters in the show are dealing with traumas that result in toxic relations with regards to shinji. Her treatment in end of evangelion was not to take sadistic pleasure in her pain, but to put her in a situation of hurt and trauma and loss of personal agency while shinji still simps over her because anno hates shinji.

He did this to show how fucked up shinji was sexualizing this girl and capitalizing on her loss of agency because in EoE, shinji is annos representation of the audience.

The audience who saw asuka separate from shinji because her reasons for being with him were unhealthy, and shinji finding his healthiest relation in a homoerotic relationship with someone he just met as bad, and how shinji should have stayed with asuka, all throwing a bitch fit over this to the point that they sent death threats to anno enough to get him to contemplate suicide.

That is the mindset he approached End of Eva from.

I can't do it because it's not my API. This is Unite-DB's API so you'd have to ask the operators of it for that data

That is fair, I was taking a crapshot on what felt like a poe.

Cause yeah the tier list does Need the occasional shake and we do see it some, but gawd is it so frustrating when every big meta shakeup we've seen is because the new pokemon is too good and meta centralizes around it's playstyle till it gets nerfed (cough cough Sylveon, Greedent, Tsareena, Dragonite, arguably Hoopa, and now Duraldon.), Instead of minor tweaks resulting in a healthy varied meta

'Good to see a drastic change'. When the drastic change is '1/4 of the cast dropped in usefulness and the only ones to jump are because they counter the new champ', that's not a change, that's a centralized meta.

It's the equivalent of like YGO adding Red Eyes Dragoon. It changed the meta, yeah, byaking everyone run dragoon cause it was easy to fit, and everyone running counters cause if you didn't, you were fucked by it's near 100% t1 appearance rate thanks to verte anaconda.

Also like... Making these comments on a tier list whose data is composited from top master games is kinda silly.

Struggles early game. Competes against duraldon for jungle, and loses cause it's duraldon, and unfortunately the snipes don't kill fast enough, especially given good players can kite and eject button fly.

The problem is, if that were the case, stats based play in 5 stacks would tell otherwise. Especially when duraldon is muscling in on the jungle role due to getting dragon pulse at 5. Leaving cinder with a weaker startup, and less ability to work as the carry vs this monster.

For reference, our jungler, an auto lock cinderace, decided to focus rotom while everyone was doing dred the first 2 times. Because he did it so fast, the third one had time to spawn as the cinderace directed our team to go center. This led to the opposing team claiming that rotom right as Zapdos spawns. I see my team has covered it, but I a Blastoise realize that if rotom makes it to home base, it'll be as if the enemy team got Zapdos. I recall and get there in time to slow it down while the whole team is scoring. But instead of recalling home and having map awareness, they left me keeping the rotom at bay at base, slowly getting piled on by more and more. I defend for a good 20-25 seconds, but cannot stop the 4 stack from nuking me, letting rotom in, and scoring.

This whole debacle cost us because the team decided 50 more points were worth 250 getting scored on us.

Cinder dropped hard because duraldon deletes it from outside it's range.

Decidueye is A because he specifically is the only direct counter to Dural. Greed and blissed shot up because greed tanks durals and blissey is a great pocket meta for dural.

Green got demoted to b because Pikachu and cinderace had advantage and were the s before dural.

I'm sorry but that Squirtle move was textbook briefing in the second match. Rage quitting because of the clear concerted effort to undermine you is understandable, since you don't want to play with someone you're in the same squad as that has decided griefing is chill.

Bad; not as the capability of the Mon but because playing speedsters gives you the jungle entitlement brainrot where you decide to take jungle when the cinderace on the team called it first, fight for jungle, never engage the enemy except to score points then leave the person you denied high and dry in lane to farm mid all game.

The numerical systems I provided I made sure to math out so you always need at least 4 losses to lose, same as current system. My goal was to present different options for granularity overall.

If I were to pick my ideal it'd be: First health system, 10hp Discover pet on level up reward 3 food in shop starting t4 Level up rewards still populate in full shops.