They’ve done this before with Lando, they’ve always let their drivers have these choices. It cost them in Sochi in 2021 and it’s cost them again today. Lando is a brilliant driver but he’s not a strategist and they should take marginal decisions out of his hands

:cle-1: Cavaliers

My point is that Kawhi hasn’t done anything since 2019 to show that he’s better than LeBron.

LeBron has played more games, averaged more points, boards, assists, shot better from the field, has a higher BPM and VORP. Same argument applies to KD who hasn’t shown himself to be better than LeBron since he left the Warriors

Not sure if there’s a list anywhere but my constituency has been Labour since 1945

I remember Canterbury turning red in 2017 being a big deal because it had been represented by some aspect of the Conservatives/Whigs for centuries

Islington North had been held by Labour since 1937 with the previous incumbent being elected initially as a Labour member, being re-elected as an SDP member. They lost the seat last night to an independent

We’ve got the Thatcher years and the government cover up following Hillsborough as the only reasons half the population here wouldn’t vote for right wing parties. We’ve got a reputation as a left wing city but speak to some people and they come out with the same right wing, anti immigrant, anti-LGBT, culture war conspiratorial shite the likes of Farage espouse

You mean Dexter Lumis clearly sitting on a box? And I don’t see what’s supernatural about the Howdy/Bo stuff either

Who the hell was floating but also what’s supernatural about them talking face to face?

This post seems a bit confused. There’s nothing supernatural about this group. They’re just a group of people wearing masks, similar to the original Wyatt Family. It’s a common horror trope and is more psychological than supernatural. I think they’re Raw though, unless they appear on Smackdown some time soon, though I think that ruins the focus they currently have on Gable

What in the 2020 is this? Saka left back? Rice centre back? Mainoo covering what exactly? The lad hasn’t looked towards his own goal since he made his debut

The Bootle Musical Festival and Salt&Tar are all fronts for iamnottheb’s dad’s arse graft

Yeah, looks like 1 game played. 5/7 from 3 and 10/13 from the field

Still actually nuts to not get one other stat though

Club. Even though I support a club that has won everything I don’t feel connected to English fans at all and I don’t really care enough about being English. I also find the dynamic of supporting rival players a bit odd

:cle-1: Cavaliers

Why are you so intent on making this man sound like Deandre Jordan

He shoots a little over half of his shots from within 3 feet lmao

Rangers fans have sung songs about Bloody Sunday so let’s not just tar Celtic only shall we

Being able to run a 5k in 30 minutes will mean you can run around off the ball at a moderate pace more easily

But the second you have to sprint or get into any kind of physical challenge that goes out of the window. I can run a 25 minute 5k and I feel fresher after finishing that than I do after going shoulder to shoulder with someone 2 minutes into a match

Racing lines in games try to give the fastest line within the confines of the track itself. But they never consider curbs when the majority of circuits need you to utilise curbs to maintain the highest speed possible

Like not even close either. Slovenian mother, Slovenian father (of Serbian descent but still)

One thing I’d never do in life is call a Slovene a Serb to their face