this. make music first. take pictures later. better yet, don't take pictures. if the music is good enough, pictures will get taken for you.

but seriously - is it over, and it's just those people locked in there, like some kind of virtual hell?

I've told this story more than a few times

What's The Deal With PT Now?

Can no one make new handles anymore? You gotta message Paul now? WTF?

EDIT: Post did not go as OP expected

i'd actually have a hard time betting on the winner if Freebird and Stairway got into a fist fight

no, we're laughing at the idea that a deathcab for cutie song is so 'dark' it's hard to listen to.

what i'm trying to say is the kids have gone soft.

yawn. you earn a living by actually playing

OP gets rattled by a deathcab song lol. life must be tough.

"professionals, don't drink or smoke and all (reasonably) athletic"


reddit is a cesspool of failed comedians. fuck your karma. WAKE THE FUCK UP.

we have to make it their problem. get it? we have to take the problem to their house. the problem will be us. get it?

omg i can't believe there's another luxury elite listener here. i fkkn love that shit

i was there. that really was the end of an era, both for the world and phishdom. what a great story. i'm pretty sure i saw you guys flying around as we were packing to leave. we were some of the last to go. didn't want to let go of that one. 24 years later and that's still in the top 5 experiences of my lifetime.

Not me. I consume as little as possible and having been screaming at people to do something my entire life. as a matter of fact, now that i have your attention, QUIT YOUR FUCKING STUPID SHITTY JOB, FORM COMMUNITY ALLIANCES AND PREPARE FOR FUCKING WAR.

start with the conservatives. when there's no idiots left to vote for corruption, eliminate any corporation or government that won't toe the line.