Good names, Bad names, Funny names. Submit them all.

r/Bandnames95.9K subscribers9 active
For the time being, post flairs are required

Individual band name posts will now have to use the “Band Name” flair.

We don’t plan for this to be permanent. We’re just hoping it will simmer down the amount of name request posts that have taken over the sub.

We’re not against name request posts and we don’t intend to restrict them. We just believe individual band name posts (the original purpose of the sub) should be equally appreciated and shared.

Thanks for your understanding.

Pinnedby bencm518Moderator
Congratulations to u/RainManToothpicks for having the most upvoted band name of June

This is the second month in a row u/RainManToothpicks has won. Whoa.

Original post:

Good luck everyone with your submissions this month. Rock on.

Pinnedby bencm518Moderator
Help me!Name Request

My band needs a name badly. We can't come up with one. Name has to be clean. Nothing stupid.

Need nameName Request

I started a band a few months ago with my friends we already wrote and recorded like 20 songs but my dumbass forgot to make a band name any suggestions we are a nu metal band

Punk rock grunge band names! Name Request

Me and my friend ar starting a punk rock/grunge band and we can't settle on a band name!! We're open to any ideas!