I think the constant vlogging would make it difficult for her. I imagine if she does have friends, it's women from her church who want no parts to the vlogging so the hangouts never get filmed.

This season is way more scripted than usual. They are struggling for content.

I do a lot of triage during my shifts. My favorite is when I am trying to get the reason why someone came in and they just keep repeating "I've been here for 4 hours and that guy just walked in and got seen right away". I've had patients I'm triaging get up and leave and I'm like, dude, so you waited this long, was actually going to get seen soon-ish, and now you're leaving? My department does have a big sign that estimates wait time and patient flow so patients know that it's going to be at least 2-3 hours, but they get triaged right away.

He was smirking when Arissa first starting speaking to him about what upset her - I'd screenshot, but the clip is right in this post. He stopped, but I still think it's a telling difference in immediate response versus how he reacted with Alton.

It would have been interesting if this entire time he'd been in law school. LOL.

I totally get wanting to keep the children off-camera and think they should have implemented this a long time ago, but it's weird how people think pushing Stormi out of the shot was a normal response. She could have reshot it or just waited until the children were in another room.

I agree. They are now producers so they can say how much or how little they were wish to participate. I do wonder if Hulu got what they expected value-wise.

I have a feeling she's had a couple of boyfriends, but never ones willing to be on camera with her because they're probably boring, regular men with no interest in reality television or drunk Sonja. The men she's dated on the show have all been a tad cartoonish and weird.

Like you throw the items away at the vacation spot? Or you "accidentally" leave them behind? I've not heard of this method!

Same with the heels! Oh my goodness. I used to go to sample sales, buy designer shoes at a steep discount, and all they did was collect dust. I kept thinking I'd one day have a lifestyle filled with fun and galas, but I am a nurse who wears scrubs and sneakers 36 hours a week and am too exhausted the rest of the week to do anything fancy. I gave away most of the shoe collection, but my therapist gave me permission to keep my 5 sparkliest ones. LOL. I have a wedding coming up this weekend so I will wear a pair.

They are long overdue for a break. When their E show ended, that was a great time for the family to reset and just pursue their passions rather than sign another multi-year deal with another network. There comes a point where more money doesn't really make life easier or more enjoyable. So why not chill and live a life of leisure?

Maybe Kim was told she could only get a show if her sisters were involved and that's why she's trying to pitch her own scripted shows to networks. So she can do her own thing on television.

You could always reframe them (you can find nice frames online or have them professionally reframed). You can put them into some form of collage in one big frame as well.

Is their contract with Hulu a group deal? Like all of the sisters or none? I don't get why the sisters participate if they don't want to - Kylie and Kendall have both made it clear they don't really like the show. Kourtney has expressed displeasure before. Khloe seems to feel similarly now. It's okay for them to let the brand go.

I agree. Kylie backing out of a commitment was really unprofessional. I'm sure they would have bent over backwards for Kyle even if she could only show up for a few minutes.

I am not a Kim fan, but she would 100% show up and give it her all even if she felt like shit.

I've never believed she was sick. I think she just didn't want to go and knew there wouldn't be any real consequences.

I think they need to let the show go. They've made more than enough money and I definitely think they're in a different stage of life than they were on E.

No, it was not a joke. They were serious - they're a friend's spouse. I didn't think it was necessary to provide that level of detail, but I guess it was.

In addition to some of the suggestions here, like filling them with items you want to donate, you can also donate them to shelters. I am not sure how it works in the UK, but in the US, some come to shelters with very few belongings and sometimes they need a bag or two to hold what they've been given (toiletries, paperwork, etc.).

Yup! I've done this in the past and it hasn't been an issue.

Why were the youngest children with teen drivers? It honestly makes no sense. Someone suggested in another post that they should have rented a bus or even chartered one to transport everyone.

I think Landon was a good pick. His parents have said he mostly stays home and goes to the gym. It'll be good for him to go out and see something different.