I need my hospital to start putting signs in the ED or something because I’m getting screamed at by patients and I can’t help them. I mean I don’t care because idgaf and am more than happy to put you and your complaint of “hang nail” in your place but I’m getting tired of saying the same thing over and over. I’ve had people come up to me saying “I’ve been waiting 2 hours and some people are walking in and getting back before I do” and I have the pleasure of saying “ma’am/sir not that it’s any of your business but sometimes they’re taken back to get an EKG or a stroke screener done.” I usually get the reply of “but I’ve been waiting longer” and my response is always “your wait time comes second. First is your acuity level determined by triage. Acuity 1 gets brought back first, then 2, then 3… and so on and so forth.” OB Triage has a huge ass sign that says it but in the ED we have tiny signs and I’m so tired of arguing with people. The other argument is “that person got here after me and they got called before me”. Then I say “we have 4 parts of the ER. The main section, JET, Fast track, and super track. You are going back to Main but others might be called for those other areas”. Like I know you think you’re having an emergency but I need to petition for a sign or something because I’m wasting valuable time on what could be checking people in with arguing with patients.