Where the f have you arrived? This place looks sketch af.

Cmonnnnn Sept 18 šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼

I take propranolol, amitriptyline and topamax at bedtime and thatā€™s the magic combo. I still get migraines but Iā€™m down to about 3 a month instead of 3 a week.

I guess I keep track, in the sense of what medication I take and when, but not really how bad it is ā€¦ I can tell that by what Iā€™m taking.

Itā€™s not about influencers. Same premise as CatfIsh. Itā€™s about a different couple each week and one person writes in because they are feeling hidden by their partner Ie. Havenā€™t met their friends, family, not on their social media, havenā€™t been to their house etc so the hosts try to figure out whatā€™s going on and then bring them together for the reveal. Some of the reasons are pretty out there. I find it entertaining lol.

If you like Catfish, try Help Iā€™m In A Secret Relationship that comes on right after!

Oh I remember thinking triptans were miracle drugs at first. And I definitely was taking more than 9 a month at some points until I got preventatives and pain management under control as well.

I have a basically new Xbox 360. What should I list it as? Not trying to hijack the post.

Ozempic to Wegovy

Has anyone made the switch from Ozempic to Wegovy? Iā€™ve been on the full dosage of Ozempic for over a year with good results and little to no side effects. Iā€™m hoping the transition to Wegovy will go smoothly. Does anyone have any experiences to share?

Iā€™ve lost 55 so far and havenā€™t counted a single calorie. Iā€™m just focusing on healthy choices and much smaller portions. Do what works for you and your body!

I have seen him late-morning to lunch (donā€™t recall exact times) to the left of the main entrance on multiple trips.

Kellee is my spirit animal with 20 neck rolls/wrinkles. By the time Iā€™m her age Iā€™ll have at least 50. šŸ˜­

Ashley drives me nuts how she goes from zero to one hundred in 5 seconds. I couldnā€™t live with that, so he obviously needs her for something. NGL though, his laugh at the end of the episode was a little maniacal.

Unfortunately this happened. I rewound to confirm.

Iā€™m gonna take a long shot and guess SHEIN lol.

Lannette for Golden Bachelorette! Except not golden or milf. Maybe just normal bachelorette since people can find love at any age. At least thatā€™s what I keep telling myself lol.

Iā€™m 6 ft, my brother in law is 6ā€™2 and my dad is 6ā€™4 and we can all fit on every ride

19 was the age I finally sought help as well. Iā€™m now 40 and still suffer but they are way more under control after many trial and error preventatives, abortives and pain management. Iā€™ve tried many triptans and their generic forms over the years. Rizatriptan seems to work best for me with no side effects besides slight drowsiness but not to the point where I canā€™t work. Feel free to message me if you want to chat about ideas to discuss with your doctor. Hang in there!

Galaxyā€™s EdgeHelp!
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