Your whole comment is basically worthless as this video has been reposted about hundred times each month on this sub.

Ban speedrun :7340:

It's only gonna get worse at this point myself i just mute these subs otherwise it's just political propaganda, it's gonna calm down next year spring after one of sides is done with there outburst.

That's because it's election year in US both shitty sides cracking up there propaganda to max the closer we get to elections.

Woke is when u want it to be woke, because u have no fucking clue what woke is, woke is cultural signaling that's actually meaning of woke u don't know that because u are a weeb pedophile 4chan user.

Cyberpunk, Last of Us 2, AC Vahalla, Spiderman MM, Cod, FC6, HFW some of these games are horrible and all these game got called woke, they all sold well and devs made money.

I also love how u say BG3 isn't woke because they don't have ugly characters but woke doesn't even mean that indicating u have no fucking clue what your talking about.

This sub and other communities yeah, in real world? Absolutely no fucking one.

Those woke devs still sell enough copies to make profit not to mention sponsorships and free advertisement they get off people complaining.

That's why they able to afford to make shit games, because they don't losse.

Bought on pre split dip, held and got rewarded by currently baking in sun on beach for 2 weeks not having to do anything, Bought after split, and i buy again this dip.

Why? Because im greedy regard who will losse it all at sum point but hell at least im enjoying it now. :18632:

Literally happend in span of this year. :4271:

Idiots always existed and alot of them, they just louder now because internet allowed them to have echo chambers and there's no penalty for speaking shit like this.

He was open abt this shit for years also why desantis tried to fuck over Disney in first place, this sub is trying to make it seem like this is some revolutionary news.

u/Fearless_Split6167 look at his comment history, it's bad. πŸ’€

U found the post but u haven't said or mentioned anything about the guys comment history?

Fuck the amount of pedophiles defending the guy is crazy, the post is made by AI yeah the age isn't mentioned but then what people fail to mention is comments made by u/Fearless_Split6167 are fucking insane especially when u look in which subs he's commenting.

Karma farming idiots on this subreddit has reached peak.

Not all hatred is same never said that, there's huge difference the author of comic is mocking left for stupidity, in one part they cheering as the statue of rochambeu "guy who had was dead before civil war even started" is vandalised.

Both are hate, yes one isn't good and other one is generally the issue is the nitpicking from left what's beneficial to them and what's not.

For instance vandalising a statue which represents history is also what's fascisme represents, but also vandalising pride flag would go under hate crime again also something facists did, both are very bad but one is viewed as accomplishment by left and other one as a disgusting act.