:lib: - Lib-Center

Torries aren’t real conservatives, they are just the party of bigots (surprise, lots English are huge bigots and racists) - just like how Russia and Cuba weren’t real communism.

Atwater Village

I’m not disputing the fact that the officers should be penalized, for failing to take the correct safety precautions. You came here to further shit on them when I already agree they should be penalized. Instead, we should also be talking about the regular old folks that blow these things up and cause damage but go unscathed and without even a fine

Atwater Village

Not excusing LAPD but we should also go this hard on criminals with illegal fireworks in the city. We don’t give officers a pass on blowing up them up … but we do when it comes to the cholo with the pit bull named Princess that blows them up at 3am on July 6. We really need to make it a jail-able offense to even posses fireworks without a commercial permit.

:lib: - Lib-Center

Yeah, that also happened in the late 1800’s with a ton of Irish and Italian immigrants. Not one of them could speak proper English. They formed their ghettos in Boston and New York. The Irish and Italians took low wage jobs and wouldn’t assimilate. After a generation or two, they stopped speaking Italian and now they all dress funny, have weird accents and live along the jersey shore. “Nowadays” is how it has always been, you just hate it now because they arent full European white.

Atwater Village

Cars drivers having all the access to our roadways makes sense when you consider that LA city is lobbied by the other 87 cities in the county prioritize long distance commuters. The city at times cares more about the commuter from Riverside or San Bernardino over the LA city resident. This super apparent with the high voter approval for HLA - so much negatively about improving streets for pedestrians and cyclists but it was all from folks that don’t even live in the city!

Atwater Village

Everyone that lives in LA City: we need protected bike lanes. Drivers don’t want to be around crazy cyclists, cyclists don’t want to be next to crazy drivers.

Everyone that commutes into LA city for work but leaves during rush hour: don’t take away car lanes

We really need to put the needs of the city and its residents first and simply stop catering our streets to folks to that live in Rancho Cucamonga but work in downtown LA. They are the least priority

Atwater Village

Well well, turns out we got female Rick Caruso after all. At least with Caruso we might have gotten better policing and more housing built in some neighborhood. With Bass, we got neither…

(And this opinion is coming from a leftie)

Atwater Village

The problem is prop 13… I’m ready for the downvotes.

They both look bad in matte blue with black wheels

Atwater Village

This how everyone including ourselves imagine LA to be like. It actually looks like a random street in the valley :(

Atwater Village

Scummy attorneys. People complain that the DA isn’t doing anything but in reality scum bag attorneys keep getting burglars, drunk drivers, drug dealers, firework dealers, and robbers off the hook.

You’re absolutely right, the choke point is the residency positions, that are limited by congress, which is lobbied by the AMA.

Also, salaries are not stagnant since 1990. I’m calling your BS right now. You’re telling me that a primary care physician in the 90’s was pulling 200k?

The ES hybrid is the better buy, it’s super comfortable in traffic and great on gas (there’s an EV only mode). Heated/Ventilated seats, amazing leg room, great tech, well built and can be used a daily. The IS is also great but the mpg and rear leg room aren’t great.

You can’t support freedom of the market but then tell one sector of the market that only they need regulation. This is the government picking winners and loser. Either regulation for everyone or no regulation for everyone.

Everything else is a valid take (even though I don’t agree with them)

What’s best for patient is allowing for more medical students to enter the field. The AMA has made sure to limit the supply of new doctors in order to keep salaries high

:lib: - Lib-Center

Same thing with critical race theory but with the right this time during the fear mongering

I can see now why American trailer trash love Russia…

Atwater Village

With so many dog owners in LA, fireworks shouldn’t be a thing but most folks aren’t willing to call out family/friends/neighbors for lighting fireworks. There’s a lot of passive bystanders that they simply become complicit. This is true for a lot of crime in the city. It’s easy to make these signs and try to hold others accountable but not family/friends.

You can still rent for extended stays. Just short term (less than 30 days) is usually frowned upon

Sir… you still have paper plates on… you’re also part of the hood 😭

You’re absolutely correct. It’s why the state needs to end prop 13 and zoning

Atwater Village

Harder to steal a catalytic converter from an EV as well