I think the next debate should be in a format many Americans can understand, an episode of Jeopardy. The questions and answers predetermined, candidates pick a subject and have to write out the answers. They can object if the answer is deemed incorrect but have to provide proof that it is incorrect.

It's one of my favorite mysteries, I couldn't guess til the end.

I remember years ago on television some mafia guy saying if you have to take someone out do it with a car.

I liked to play the ones with the little slide like you hear on Benny Hill.

I seem to recall some cartoon where the boss says "60 Minutes wants to interview me? That will be great for business!"

As a teen in the late 60s, other than my heavy rock albums (Blue Cheer, Zeppelin, Big Brother), I had all the Bonzo albums and lines from all those songs still run through my tiny brain.

The quotation is a variation of Whistler's response to a similar question at the defamation suit against Ruskin.

'When Whistler responded that it took just two days, Holker asked if two days’ labor was worth 200 guineas. “No,” Whistler responded, “I ask it for the knowledge I have gained in the work of a lifetime.”'