Waterproofing Tibets

I just got Tibet GTXs from Lowa and was wondering what to use to condition/waterproof. I have Snoseal, but have read that kennetreks or obernaufs are also good. Should I avoid snoseal?

For context, Ill be taking them on my first season of trail work this summer.

Is your product the same in Amazon? Was wondering because it is cheaper there, but don't want to buy something that's less of quality!

Hi, I know this is super late, but could you tell me what you used to get rid of it? The natural stuff, I mean

Yes, They say we do about 10 miles every day. I think/hope that's kind of a lie, but what I worry about with loggers is their comfortability packing heavy for long miles. I think they would be an investment I'd like to make if I decided to dive more into the forestry lifestyle, but since this is my first season I think mountaineering boots might be better since I can always reuse them later for normal backpacking trips

I am going to be doing a season of trail work with ACE this summer. Mostly will be logging up in the sierras. I need a 8 inch, full leather lugged sole. As a woman, this research has been hell to say the least. So many options, and so much money to spend it's like betting in las vegas. Here's the options I've come up with so far based on my research:

Tibet GTX from Lowa https://www.lowaboots.com/mens/backpacking/tibet-gtx

Wild from Alico https://www.alicousa.com/product-page/wild

Alpina Forester https://alpina-us.com/alpina-hunting-shoes-boots/108-forester.html

and similarly the Hoffman Explorer https://hoffmanboots.com/product/8-hoffman-explorer/

Do you any of you guys know these models, or have any more suggestions/experiences? Thank you so much!!!

Trail work and bootsQuestions

Hey guys! I am going to be doing a season of trail work with ACE this summer. Mostly will be logging up in the sierras. I need a 8 inch, full leather lugged sole. As a woman, this research has been hell to say the least. So many options, and so much money to spend it's like betting in las vegas. Here's the options I've come up with so far based on my research:

Tibet GTX from Lowa https://www.lowaboots.com/mens/backpacking/tibet-gtx

Wild from Alico https://www.alicousa.com/product-page/wild

Alpina Forester https://alpina-us.com/alpina-hunting-shoes-boots/108-forester.html

and similarly the Hoffman Explorer https://hoffmanboots.com/product/8-hoffman-explorer/

Do you any of you guys know these models, or have any more suggestions/experiences? Thank you so much!!!

Trail work and boots?
Reddit removed post
Boots for trail work?!

Hey guys! I am going to be doing a season of trail work with ACE this summer. Mostly will be logging up in the sierras. I need a 8 inch, full leather lugged sole. As a woman, this research has been hell to say the least. So many options, and so much money to spend it's like betting in las vegas. Here's the options I've come up with so far based on my research:

Tibet GTX from Lowa https://www.lowaboots.com/mens/backpacking/tibet-gtx

Wild from Alico https://www.alicousa.com/product-page/wild

Alpina Forester https://alpina-us.com/alpina-hunting-shoes-boots/108-forester.html

and similarly the Hoffman Explorer https://hoffmanboots.com/product/8-hoffman-explorer/

Do you any of you guys know these models, or have any more suggestions/experiences? Thank you so much!!!

What boots for trail work???

Hey guys! I am going to be doing a season of trail work with ACE this summer. Mostly will be logging up in the sierras. I need a 8 inch, full leather lugged sole. As a woman, this research has been hell to say the least. So many options, and so much money to spend it's like betting in las vegas. Here's the options I've come up with so far based on my research:

Tibet GTX from Lowa https://www.lowaboots.com/mens/backpacking/tibet-gtx

Wild from Alico https://www.alicousa.com/product-page/wild

Alpina Forester https://alpina-us.com/alpina-hunting-shoes-boots/108-forester.html

and similarly the Hoffman Explorer https://hoffmanboots.com/product/8-hoffman-explorer/

Do you any of you guys know these models, or have any more suggestions/experiences? Thank you so much!!!

ACE - Sacramento for SummerQuestion

Hey guys, I just got accepted into the Sacramento office for this summer season!

I'm not gonna lie.... I've read some pretty bad reviews about the office on reddit and now I am getting kind of spooked. I already accepted the offer, so it would be difficult to turn my head back, but I would still appreciate honest opinions and experiences any of you had had with ACE here. I don't want to become pessimistic because I am already nervous about it, it's my first CC season!

Lastly, what other CCs have you guys had great experiences with?

ACE: Sacramento vs RidgecrestQuestions

Basically the title. Applying for a Backcountry position and was conflicted between the two offices. Sacramento definitely would be cooler as a city, but the projects done from Ridge seem like they would be at much cooler locations. Anyone with experience in either location, let me know your experience! Coachella Valley is also an option although I'm not familiar with it.

ACE: Ridgecrest vs Sacramento

Basically the title. Applying for a Backcountry position and was conflicted between the two offices. Sacramento definitely would be cooler as a city, but the projects done from Ridge seem like they would be at much cooler locations. Anyone with experience in either location, let me know your experience! Coachella Valley is also an option although I'm not familiar with it.

Siskiyou Mtn Clu

Just got offered a position at their wilderness conservation corps for this summer. Anybody ever done a season with them and know what its like compared to other corps? I'm drawn to their 24/7 model, but not so sure about the technical training they offer, and how close they professionally get you to USFS or BLM jobs. Thanks!

*Siskiyou Mountain Club

24/7 CCs

Which conservation corps have a 24/7 model? They sound appealing to me because you don't need to worry about housing and you get to do stuff on your time off together. So far I applied to RMYC and NWYC which both put me on a waitlist because of too many applicants. June start date would be best

How to do conservation corps on the quarter system???

Basically the title. Anyone have any tips on what corps are flexible with their start dates, and how to get on site quickly after school ends? I've interviewed with Utah and RMYC so far - they seem super exciting but cannot push back their start dates. My quarter ends mid june and I am off for summer until mid September. I am based in California.

Conservation corps and the quarter system

Does anybody know any good trail crews that run anywhere from about mid june to September? Unfortunately I'm at going to a university that still uses its quarter system, and I'm struggling to find crew member listings that don't start in May.

Betrayal (20 F and 20 F)

How do you forgive someone who broke your trust in the relationship? Or maybe not even forgive, but when does it stop hurting? When does it not take over your mind everyday?

My partner (20F) did something that really hurt me (20F) and now I'm having a hard time seeing this moving forward. We have been together for 1.5 years, and since we're young I always let her know that im commiting to this bc I think it's the real deal (or else like I said, id probably be effing around by now). It's like the purity of our relationship was lost, and it feels like she's a completely different person (even though she's the same). I feel angry but I still love her and I keep going between being all gushy and being mad. I decided to stay with her bc I think she is a really special person and our connection deserves a second chance (although certainly not a third). I don't wanna lose her, however I'm struggling to find our dynamic back without holding a grudge in the back of my head. I hate it and it's making me numb.

TL;DR! My partner broke my trust and now I feel desolate and don't know where the relationship can go

Betrayal (20 F and 20 F)

How do you forgive someone who broke your trust in the relationship? Or maybe not even forgive, but when does it stop hurting? When does it not take over your mind everyday?

My partner (20F) did something that really hurt me (20F) and now I'm having a hard time seeing this moving forward. It's like the purity of our relationship was lost, and it feels like she's a completely different person (even though she's the same). I feel angry but I still love her and I keep going between being all gushy and being mad. I decided to stay with her bc I think she is a really special person and our connection deserves a second chance (although certainly not a third). I don't wanna lose her, however I'm struggling to find our dynamic back without holding a grudge in the back of my head. I hate it and it's making me numb.

Sure, but I feel like you're completely projecting your own opinion onto the situation. Maybe YOU would never want to be in a relationship with a bi person, but a lot of monosexual people are actually in relationships with bisexual people and like it (and sometimes think it's hot). This includes my own partner, which from the beginning knew I had only been with men before, and chose to be with me still. Also, seeing all sex as "unisex" makes no sense - it's like having physical or practical preferences when it comes to sex (do you like tall/short, brown/blonde, vanilla/bdsm...etc). We have a really open communication practice and if she ever felt like she was being "hurt" by my bisexuality, we would have a conversation about it. Also, when you really love each other sex is but a small part of everything, that can be navigated. Sex and attraction is not "shallow," but if you see it as a mere distraction I guess you could put it that way.