Almost every time. After I had my pregnancy with bad morning sickness it seems my body like to now deal with pain by making me throw up. Usually get some relief afterwards though.

I agree. It borderline traumatized me to find out that people can picture things. I thought when someone said “picture something” they couldn’t literally do it. I always thought it was more figurative. I went 33 years without realizing and I somehow feel short changed by life to not being able to picture something. As an artist it really bothers me I can’t visualize something the way the majority of the population can. I also have no inner dialogue that also surprised me.

I participated I would be really curious to know your findings

I’m so glad this isn’t just me. Sometimes when I look in the mirror for a split second I forget what I look like. Like I almost don’t recognize myself for just a quick second. I also have a lot of tattoos many years old (10 plus) and they still sometimes surprise me and I try to wipe them away like somethings on me. Haha

Woah I do as well. When I am laying in bed trying to sleep if there is a loud noise it is always accompanied by a bright flashing light

I did one tab of LSD. Every time they occur again I do one more tab and are good for a few months with no migraine’s

I have had aphantasia my entire life but had no idea until my 30’s. I have incredibly lucid and vivid dreams just no images when I am awake it’s pretty wild

I do not have an inner dialogue either

I think LSD cured my migraines

I have suffered chronic and debilitating migraines for almost 10 years. I average 7-15 migraines a month some lasting 1-2 days. I’ve tried every prescription medication ever offered to me with little to no help. I’m talking suicidal level torture migraines (can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t function) For the last year I had been taking a beta blocker which had some mild positive results. Recently I tried acid for the first time in years and I woke up the next day with the “migraine” pressure like feeling that is almost always there gone. I kept taking my beta blockers and went 2 months with only 2 mild migraines. This past month I went to shambhala and did a double dose and I haven’t taken a beta blocker since. No migraines only one small headache! Has anyone else had this happen?

I think LSD cured my migrainesQuestion

I have suffered chronic and debilitating migraines for almost 10 years. I average 7-15 migraines a month some lasting 1-2 days. I’ve tried every prescription medication ever offered to me with little to no help. I’m talking suicidal level torture migraines (can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t function) For the last year I had been taking a beta blocker which had some mild positive results. Recently I tried acid for the first time in years and I woke up the next day with the “migraine” pressure like feeling that is almost always there gone. I kept taking my beta blockers and went 2 months with only 2 mild migraines. This past month I went to shambhala and did a double dose and I haven’t taken a beta blocker since. No migraines only one small headache! Has anyone else had this happen?