Gotta hand it to how odd langoliers are in essence. I'm sure if quantum critters like that ,looking like that, showed up next to my truck I'd wack out lmao

Same for shoes. Dudes literally go to fists over a crease or mark on their fuckin shoes.

Ikr what the hell is in his vents? Lmao

"It's the lost city of Zinj. Which I have looked for all my life"

I need to watch this again!

"Herkermer Homolka. Formerly of Romania. Free now of the chains of Ceaucescu. Traveling the world, doing good."

Ikr with how movies portray possessions and hauntings any normal person would be extremely annoyed if anything

Lmao I can hear the shit out if this his face twitching with rage

I was wondering what that was I've never actually used one before lol

Like a mind hack. I never knew this. Sounds like a fantastic way of diffusing tension

I know maybe 10 people,4 of them dudes who change their own oil. It's a falling know-how.

The mixing colors together bit is a big deal for me aa well. Seems petty to others but damn as a dude I like my whites bright

Shoes should have a closet

I'm guilty of the peanut butter fridge thing lmao

Takes one to know one

I know I am but what are you(throws them a curveball when you say it that way)

I am what i eat(another curveball)


Watch it bootybounce or I'll break your ribs(weird specific threat)

You're about 4 seconds away from getting married( curveball)

"Listen here bootybottombitch, your enchiladas are fuckin trash"


Being unwell provides perspective and forces you to slow down a bit since you're body just wants to rest

Yea it's a terrifying situation under the guise of a warm-hearted family film lmao

And the fact that Daniel was able to essentially infiltrate his ex wifes household to he with the kids is also awful as all hell.

Yes I forgot to mention these are relaxing only under certain conditions lol