Glad you’re not afraid to stand by your controversial opinion, but what??? 😭 The fight itself is like a smooth dance, and the cutscenes are just perfect. The second phase goes incredibly hard. He is one of the few bosses who has no bullshit attacks, aside from a few very minor hitbox issues. His design is way more than a twink with a tail, he legit towers above you with his uncanny build (I mean the fucking limbs??? God damn).

Tbh, Malenia criticism is fair. She’s a horribly designed boss

Hate Myself

Let em pray is like top 3 NF songs ever dawg :( wdym

Hate Myself

Let em pray is like top 3 NF songs ever dawg :( wdym

This absolute chad called coming back to a game after roughly 5 years a ‘’break’’ 😭

Always gotta be that one motherfucker

People are very quick to discard people who sound anything like em. His newest album, Pink is better, is a very unique sounding album and i encourage everyone to listen to it

He’s super super super corny but for some reason I find comfort in his music, as he talks about very basic, easy-to-relate-to stuff. I’m a suburban white kid with no complaints in life so that’s pretty much why I identify with him and his lyrics

Toke is great, at least some of his older stuff

Every hour too 😭 actually kinda sad

Exactly how I am with everything

What rank and server are you in? I feel like I’ve played against you multiple times

Ik it’s a skill issue but don’t accuse me of spamming dawg 😔 Thats something i actually don’t do at all i despise spammers

Thanks for the comment dawg. I can beat the diamonds if I really try, but I have to focus so hard that I use up brainpower

Yeah i get that. But imagine this when you already have winter for a solid 3/4 of the year lol